You can either give a player's name or "all" as target.
You can write your own message on the command or use one of the presets you defined in the config.
Only permission the plugin has is "advancementannouncer.admin"
Here are some images from Advancement Announcer
Due to file limits gifs are low quality and 2x speed up
Code (YAML):
################################################################################################################################################### ## This plugin made by Altkat(StreetMelodeez) V1.0 ## ## Feel free to contact me for anything on discord: streetmelodeez ## ## Please use /aa reload to reload the plugin, or restart the server after you changed something in the config file. ## ################################################################################################################################################### bstats: true
# Should the plugin send data to bStats?
# you can use placeholders from PlaceholderAPI in the messages. like %player_name% # use | to print on a new line presets: # you can add as many presets as you want preset1: "&aThis is &6my cool| &amessage wow!" store-preset: "&6You can get ranks|&6on our store &b/store" discord-preset: "&9Join our discord server|&" greeting: "&eHello &a%player_name%|&eHow is it going?"
enabled: false
# should the plugin announce messages automatically interval: 30
# in seconds mode: "ORDERED"# ORDERED, RANDOM messages: # you can add as many messages as you want custommessage1:
message: "&eHello &a%player_name%|&eHow is it going?" style: "GOAL"# GOAL, TASK, CHALLENGE icon: "EMERALD"# custommessage2:
message: "&9Join our discord server|&" style: "TASK" icon: "DIAMOND" vipmessage:
message: "&6You can get ranks|&6on our store &b/store" style: "CHALLENGE" icon: "GOLD_INGOT"