StaffManager icon

StaffManager -----

Tools for server Staff

StaffManager is a plugin designed to facilitate staff tasks on Minecraft servers, with ProtocolLib as dependency. With unique tools it allows for a more efficient and organized moderation experience. Currently, it includes core functionalities such as:

  • Inventory System: Save and restore the inventory of players (including staff) to make events easier without losing their items! It also includes an InvSee system to moderate players.

  • Vanish: Allows staff members to become invisible to players, making it easier to monitor them without being detected. In this mode the Staff is completely silent, you can activate/desactivate at your choice the collision with entities and the pickup of items.

  • Freeze: Allows to apply Freeze to players in order to moderate them if necessary for any reason.

  • Chat functions:
    • StaffChat: Facilitates communication between staff members without interfering with players, ensuring smooth and discreet management.
    • WordBan: Bans words to avoid insults, misunderstandings or simply not seeing it anymore, also recognizes the Leet code (e.g. shit = sh17).
    • Mute: Mutes players who cause troubles in the chat.
    • Slow: If the chat is going too fast, you can lower the frequency of messages, the default time between messages is 5s but it can be modified in the config.
    • Pause: Pause the chat to be able to communicate with players without them interrupting in the middle.
StaffManager allows administrators to focus on what really matters, enhancing the player experience while maintaining full control over the server.

StaffManager has a central command /staffmanager or /sm, with which you will have access to the different subcommands:
  • /sm chat
    • /sm chat banword <add|remove> <word>
    • /sm chat mute <player>
    • /sm chat pause <on|off>
    • /sm chat slow<on|off>
  • /sm freeze <player>
  • /sm invsee <player>
  • /sm saveinv <save|load> <all|player>
  • /sm staffchat <on|off>
  • /sm vanish
    • /sm vanish collidable
    • /sm vanish pickup
Below is the list of available permissions:
  • staffmanager.all - Grant access to all commands.
  • - Access to all chat section commands.
  • staffmanager.banword - Access to banword chat command
  • staffmanager.mute - Access to mute chat command
  • staffmanager.pause - Access to pause chat command
  • staffmanager.slow - Access to slow chat command
  • staffmanager.staffchat - Access to staffchat command
  • staffmanager.freeze - Access to freeze command
  • staffmanager.invsee - Access to invsee command
  • staffmanager.saveinv - Access to saveinv command
  • staffmanager.vanish- Access to vanish command
For any bug report or suggestion you can open ticket:
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 111
First Release: Dec 29, 2024
Last Update: Feb 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings