EasyVerify - a better way to secure your server
Hello Guys,
this plugin used for a verification in minecraft. When a player joins the first time, he have to verify. This happens on the website you download with the plugin. So how it works?
- MongoDB
- Verification
- Website
How to install:
So first you need a mongodb database. Here all informations will be saved.
Next you have to create a database with the name "minecraft" and a new collection with the name "verification". After that you start the backend with "node server.js" and run the website on a webspace. Like install Apache on your pc/v-server/root-server. Now also run the plugin on your spigot server, where you wan't to use the verification.
If you followed the steps properly the plugin should run perfectly fine.
Youtube Guide:
- coming soon
- send me some todos on discord!