RockPaperChamp is a fun and engaging Spigot addon that brings the classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to your Minecraft server. Players can challenge each other to fast and exciting duels where they must choose between Rock, Paper, or Scissors to determine the winner.
This plugin supports both single-player and multiplayer modes, with customizable messages, cooldown times, and more. With a simple, easy-to-use interface, you can quickly add this minigame to your server and give your players a fun new activity to enjoy.
- Only 6 slots are enabled for items
Usage default
Usage OP
Code (Text):
win: "say {player} has won the game!" #Use {player}
tie: "say It's a tie between {player1} and {player2}!" #Use {player}
lose: "say {player} has lost against {opponent}!" #Use {player}
¡RockPaperChamp brings the classic game of rock, paper, scissors to your Minecraft server! Challenge other players, accept or reject challenges and enjoy the most fun game!
- /rpc reto <player>: Challenge another player to a game of rock, paper, scissors.
- /rpc aceptar: Accept a pending challenge from another player.
- /rpc rechazar: Decline a pending challenge from another player.
- /rpc reload: Reload plugin settings.
- rockpaperchamp.use
- rockpaperchamp.reload
- Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.18+.
- Ideal for survival, network or lobby servers.
Code (Text):
# RockPaperChamp Settings.
time_limit: 10 # Time in seconds to choose
- "Paper > Rock"
- "Rock > Scissors"
- "Scissors > Paper"
# You can add more rules here, for example:
# - "Obsidian > Rock"
# - "Fire > Paper"
Paper: PAPER
Scissors: SHEARS
# You can add items here, for example:
# Obsidian: OBSIDIAN
win: "say {player} has won the game!" #Use {player}
tie: "say It's a tie between {player1} and {player2}!" #Use {player1} and {player2} -- Next Update {player}
lose: "say {player} has lost against {opponent}!" #Use {player}
#messages COMMANDS
prefix: "&8[&2&lRockPaperChamp&8] "
usage_default: "&eUse /rpc [reto|aceptar|rechazar]."
usage_op: "&eUse /rpc [reto|aceptar|rechazar|reload]."
only_players: "&cThis command can only be used by players!"
no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command."
reload_success: "&aConfiguration successfully reloaded."
unknown_command: "&cUnknown command."
specify_player: "&cYou must specify a player to challenge. Use /rpc reto <player>."
player_not_online: "&cThat player is not online!"
cannot_challenge_self: "&cYou can't challenge yourself!"
player_already_challenged: "&cThat player already has a pending challenge."
already_sent_challenge: "&cYou have already sent a challenge! Wait for it to be accepted or rejected."
challenge_sent: "&aYou have challenged %target% to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors."
no_pending_challenges: "&cYou have no pending challenges!"
challenger_not_online: "&cThe player who challenged you is no longer online."
challenge_no_longer_active: "&cThe challenge is no longer active."
challenge_accepted: "&aYou have accepted the challenge from %challenger% ."
challenge_accepted_by: "&aYour challenge was accepted by %accepter%!"
challenge_rejected: "&cYour challenge was rejected by %rejecter%."
challenge_rejected_self: "&aYou have rejected the challenge."
challenge_message: "%challenger% has challenged you to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors."
accept_button: "[Accept]"
decline_button: "[Decline]"
player_in_game: "&c¡That player is currently in a game and cannot be challenged!"
#messages rpc
timer_start: "You have {time} seconds to choose!"
timer_countdown: "Only {time} seconds left to choose!"
no_drop: "You cannot drop game items!"
choose_option: "Take your pick!"
player_choice_game: "Your choice: {choice}"
tie_result: "Tie: Both chose {choice}."
result_message: "Result: {result}"
win: "{player} wins because {winner} beats {loser}!"
block_place: "You cannot place game items."
player_choice_inventory: "You have chosen: {choice}"
==================================================== =
If you have any problems, please don't leave negative feedback. Instead, contact me via
Discord for help. If you like this plugin, I greatly appreciate your support. I'm working on several fun plugins that will be released soon. Thanks for your patience and support!
Terms and conditions:
This plugin cannot be refunded.
You aren't allowed to redistribute/resell this plugin.
You aren't allowed to modify or decompile the plugin.