The DeliveryMan plugin allows players to claim daily, weekly, or event-based rewards through a GUI interface in Minecraft.
FULL PlaceholderAPI! (Optional)
MySQL Support
Cross-Server Support
Supports infinite amount of time.
Can be used with VIPs. (You can set your own permission in configs)
GUI is real-time updated. (See gifs)
DiscordSRV support. (Player can claim the reward only if he has linked their account or has a specific role)
WorldGuard support. (Player can claim the reward only if he is in a specific region.)
Vault support. (Player can claim the reward only if he has a permission group or a specific amount of money)
bSkyBlock support.
AcidIsland support.
FabledSkyblock support.
SuperiorSkyblock support.
IridiumSkyblock support.
/dm open
/dm reload
Permissions - Allow the use of the /dm command
deliveryman.command.reload - Allow the use of the /dm reload command
PlaceholderAPI Expansion
%deliveryman_avaible% - Displays how many rewards can be received
Developer API
Code (YAML):
# Storage settings storage:
type: LOCAL
# Available: LOCAL / MySQL credentials: # only if you are using mysql host: ''
user: 'root'
password: 'deliveryman'
database: 'deliveryman'
timezone: 'UTC'
useSSL: false
# settings for both mysql and sqlite table-name: 'deliveryman_players'
pool-size: 20
# GUI gui:
item-refresh: 20
# in ticks size: 54
enabled: true
item: # Material name material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
# Material amount amount: 1
# Material durability data: 7
# Item name name: "&0" # Uncomment to add a lore. #lore: # - '&aTest lore!' lore: []
# DeliveryMan command messages:
no-console: '&cThis command can''t be used as a console!'
no-permission: '&cYou don''t have
no permission!'
player-not-online: '&cThat player is not online'
delete-data: '&aYou have successfully deleted DeliveryMan data!'
open: '&f&oOpen player reward gui'
reload: '&f&oReloads the plugin'
reload-success: '&aSuccessfully reloaded in