Quizy pvp Kits icon

Quizy pvp Kits -----

easy to use kit plugin for pvp servers

Quizy PvP Kits - Plugin Guide

Basic Commands:
/kglobal - Get the global kit (everyone can use)
/k1 to /k10 - Your personal kits (each player has their own)
/qkreload - Reload the plugin (for admins)

How to Save Kits:
1. For Admins (Global Kit):
- Put items in your inventory
- Type /kglobal save
- Now everyone can use /kglobal to get this kit

2. For Players (Personal Kits):
- Put items in your inventory
- Type /k1 save (or k2, k3... up to k10)
- Now you can use /k1 to get your saved kit

⏰ Cooldowns:
- Global kit: 5 minutes (300 seconds)
- Personal kits: 3 minutes (180 seconds)

- /kglobal save - Only for admins (quizy.admin.globalsave)
- /qkreload - Only for admins (quizy.admin.reload)
- /kglobal - Everyone can use
- /k1 to /k10 - Everyone can use

Disabled Worlds:
- Kits won't work in worlds listed in config.yml
- Default disabled: Nether and End

Config Features:
- Change cooldown times
- Edit all messages
- Change prefix
- Enable/disable broadcasts
- Add/remove disabled worlds
- Supports color codes and hex colors

Colors in Messages:
- Use & for basic colors (&a, &b, &c, etc.)
- Use hex colors like #ff6e6e for custom colors
- Supports emojis in messages

Example Usage:
1. Join the server
2. Get items you want to save
3. Type /k1 save
4. Clear inventory
5. Type /k1 to get items back

❗ Important Notes:
- Kits save everything: armor, items, and off-hand
- Each player's kits are separate
- Global kit is the same for everyone
- Kits stay saved after server restart
- Admins can change global kit anytime

1. Stop your server
2. Put plugin in plugins folder
3. Start server
4. Edit config.yml if needed
5. Use /qkreload to apply changes

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 30
First Release: Dec 18, 2024
Last Update: Dec 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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