Boat Limiter - Skript icon

Boat Limiter - Skript -----

The one-and-only Boat Limiter Skript plugin!

[--- Boat Limiter for Skript ---]
[- FAQ -]
- What does the boat limiter do?

The boat limiter plugin allows players to craft 11 boats every 11 minutes, with the counter being updated every minute, allowing players to craft a reasonable amount of boats.

- Why the heck would I need this?
Quite frankly, to prevent griefing. Boats (or other entities, but boats are the most common) are often pushed into regions where they can't be destroyed by players. While it isn't destructive most of the time, it could also potentially move any entities like armor stands or NPCs depending on the setup of your server (although it's very unlikely). This plugin doesn't fix it, it just puts a band-aid over the problem.

- How do I know that it's working?
In order to know if it's working, try crafting 12+ boats! If it gives you back your wood, then it's working properly. Try waiting a few minutes and crafting more boats, and if it lets you then the plugin works.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 20
First Release: Dec 14, 2024
Last Update: Dec 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings