Bring the mysterious Curse of Vanishing to your legacy Minecraft server! This lightweight plugin implements the vanilla-like Curse of Vanishing mechanic for versions that don't have it natively.
Features: • Add Curse of Vanishing to any item.
• Simple and intuitive commands.
• Fully configurable messages.
• Lightweight and optimized.
• Permission-based system.
Commands: /vanishingcurse - Add the curse to the item in your hand.
/vlreload - Reload the plugin configuration.
Permissions: • vanishinglegacy.use - Allow using the vanishingcurse command.
• vanishinglegacy.reload - Allow reloading the plugin.
Configuration: • Fully customizable messages.
• Configurable curse text.
• Easy to set up.
Code (YAML):
# VanishingLegacy Configuration # Author: wwishh messages:
prefix: "§8[§bVanishingLegacy§8] " curse-added: "§aVanishing Curse has been added to the item!" player-only: "§cThis command can only be used by players!" no-item: "§cYou must hold an item in your hand!" no-permission: "§cYou don't have permission to use this command!" reload-success: "§aConfiguration reloaded successfully!" settings:
curse-text: "§7Curse of Vanishing"
How it works: Items with the Curse of Vanishing will disappear upon player death, just like in newer versions of Minecraft!
Installation: 1. Download the plugin.
2. Place it in your plugins folder.
3. Restart your server.
4. Done! Use /vanishingcurse to start cursing items.
Bug Reports: Found a bug? Please report it in the discussion section!
Support: Need help? Feel free to leave a comment below!