MysticalPets is a Minecraft plugin that allows players to spawn and have pets follow them around.
Soft Dependencies
- PlaceholderAPI needed to use any placeholders
- Player Owned Pets: Players can own a number of pets
- Easy Pet Creation: Allows server owners to easily create pets
- Use `/pet list <amount> <player>` opens the pet gui menu
- Use `/pet summon <player> <petId>` Spawns the pet
- Use `/pet dismiss <player> <petId>` Despawns the pet
- Use `/pet add <player> <petId>` To add a pet to a player
- Use `/pet remove <player> <petId>` To remove a pet from the player
- Use `/pet reload` To reload the pets.yml
- `mysticalpets.admin.add` to use the `/pet add` command
- `mysticalpets.admin.remove` to use the `/pet remove` command
- `mysticalpets.admin.reload` to use the `/pet reload` command
- %mysticalpets_owns_<petId>% returns true or false if the player owns the pet
️ Installation
To install MysticalPets on your Minecraft server, follow these simple steps:
- Download the Plugin:
- Download the latest .jar file.
- Place in plugins folder:
- Place the MysticalPets.jar file into your server's plugins folder
- Restart Your Server:
- Restart your Minecraft server to load the plugin.
- Upon startup, the plugin will automatically generate a configuration file in the plugins/MysticalPets/ directory (if needed).
- Verify Installation (optional):
- Run /pet list in-game to see if the plugin responds.
Pet Creation
To create pets is very simple follow the format given in pets.yml
Test is the id for the pet, every pet needs a unique id. name: is just the name of the pet in game head: is the link to the head texture that will be displayed.
To get and find new head textures use this website: Once you have found a head texture you'd like go to the bottom till you find the developers area. Then just copy the Minecraft URL