Kill/DeathMessages icon

Kill/DeathMessages -----

Whenever a player dies in the config.yml it sends custom messages

# Placeholders for the plugin are for as follows

# Player Info

# %victim%: The name of the player who died.
# %killer%: The name of the player who killed the victim (if applicable).
# %killer%: The name of the player who killed the victim (if applicable).
# %killer_health%: The health of the killer after the kill.
# %victim_displayname%

# World and Location

# %world%: The name of the world where the death occurred.
# %victim_x%: The X-coordinate of the victim's death location.
# %victim_y%: The Y-coordinate of the victim's death location.
# %victim_z%: The Z-coordinate of the victim's death location.

# Weapons

# %killer_weapon%: The weapon used by the killer to slay the victim (if applicable).
# %killer_weapon_name%: The custom name of the weapon used by the killer (if applicable).

# Death Cause

# %cause%: The cause of death (e.g., "Fell from a high place," "Drowned," "Killed by zombie").
# %projectile%: The projectile name if killed by a projectile (e.g., "arrow," "trident").
# %killer_entity%: The name of the mob or entity that killed the player (e.g., "Zombie," "Creeper").

# Randomization

# %random_int%: Generate a random number (e.g., "You were the unlucky %random_int%th person to die today").
- "&cYou died lol"
- "&cYou are crying from your ass"
- "&cHope you enjoyed dying"

- "&e%killer% is just simply better than %victim%"
- "&elol %killer% killed an idiot, feel proud"```
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 524
First Release: Dec 9, 2024
Last Update: Dec 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings