This plugin can be used with: Spigot (recommended) Paper
- report feature
- /report <player> (reason) < /report <player> to open the gui with all reasons or /report <player> (reason) to choose a reason in the command
- /reports opens a gui with all active reports
- all staff with the easycommands.reports.reportnotify permission get a message to <view|deny|accept|teleport(suspect)> with a click
- And more you can see the permissions in the text on the spigot page
- report cooldown editable in the config
- settings feature
- /settings to open the settings gui with 3 settings (I am working on more)
- logs settings if you have the easycommands.logs you get logs you can toggle to get the logs without removing your permission
- adminlogs settings same as above but with the admin logs
- recieve msgs you can toggle to get private messages or not
- staffhelp
- do /staffhelp <reason> to notify all staff with the easycommands.staff permission they will get a message with the reason why you need help it has 2 buttons. message button and teleport button self explanitory
- sudo
- /sudo <message|command> <player> let a player run a command or say something
- fly
- /fly toggle fly
- broadcast
- /broadcast <message> send a broadcast message to all online players can be run in console and the prefix is editable in the config
- chat channels feature
- create custom chat channels in the config with permissions, prefix and the command
- custom command. if you want a devchat you can make the command /devchat and /dvc this is fully customizable and it registers the command aka you can see the command
- custom permission the permission is also fully customizable.
- create as many chat channels as you want!
- gamemode
- /gamemode <type> (player) this can be run in console and ingame and you can set your own gamemode or other people their gamemode
these are guis that you normally need a item for
- /loom
- /craft
- /smithingtable
- /furnace
- /cartography
- /anvil
- kill command update
/kill <mob|player> <type|*|player> you can kill a mob type or a player or with the * you can kill all mobs or all players
- tpa/tpahere
- /tpa to tpa to a player
- /tpahere to request someone to teleport to you
- /tpaccept accept a tpa request
- cooldown for a request to the same player
updated files:
- config.yml
- message.yml
- 2 new files > reports.txt and settings.txt < reports saves the reports that are active and settings saves the settings per player
added in the config:
broadcastprefix: "&f[&9Broadcast&f] &f" #Prefix for the broadcast messages!
flightenabled: '%prefix% &9Flight enabled'
flightdisabled: '%prefix% &9Flight disabled'
staffhelp: '%prefix% &9You have requested help from staff. They will reply/fix your
problem soon!'
These are all the changelogs
I got the idea for the /copyinv command from pog5 he is a dev on leoneMC thank you!
You should join that btw
discord: ip:
Instructions: 1. download the plugin by clicking download
2. save it to your files
3. open the server console
4. go to files -> plugins
5. drag and drop or upload it in the file
6. restart/start your server
7. have fun!
Things I am working on: 1. Events
2. More gamemodes
3. working on 1.20.4 and 1.20.1
4. And more!
<> < required () < optional
/clearinventory -> clear your whole inventory
/gmc -> put yourself in creative
/gmsp -> put yourself in spectator
/gms -> put yourself in survival
/gma -> put yourself in adventure
/feed -> set your own saturation to max
/god -> put yourself in godmode so that no one can hurt you
/repair -> set the item in your hand to max durability
/repairall -> repair all your items in your inventory
/heal -> heal yourself
/teleport -> teleport to a player
/teleportall -> teleport all players to yourself
/setspawn -> set the server spawn
/spawn -> tp to the server spawn
/enderchest -> open your enderchest
/nick -> nick yourself
/unnick -> unnick yourself
/tphere (player) -> tp a player to yourself
/clearchat -> clear the chat
/back -> tp back to your last death location
/freeze (player) -> freeze a player
/invsee (player) -> get the inventory off a player
/easycommands reload/help -> get the help page or reload the files
/kill <mob|player> <type|*|player> -> kill a player or a mob or kill all of those types
/chatcolor -> opens the chatcolor gui
/item (argument) -> edit the item in your hand
/pickup -> opens the pickup gui
/report [player] (reason) -> /report to open the gui with all reasons or /report (reason) to choose a reason in the comman
/reports -> opens a gui with all active reports
/settings -> open the settings gui
/staffhelp <reason> -> ask staff for help
/sudo <message|command> <player> -> let a player say something or let them run a command
/fly -> toggle fly
/broadcast <message> -> send a broadcast
/loom -> open the loom gui
/craft -> open the crafting table gui
/anvil -> open the anvil gui
/furnace -> open the furnace gui
/cartography -> open the cartography gui
/smithingtable -> open the smithingtable gui
/tpa -> <player> send a teleport request
/tpahere -> <player> request a player to tp to you
/tpaccept -> accept the tp request
/copyinventory (player) -> copy a player's inventory
/spawn (player) -> teleport a player to spawn
/teleport/tp (player1) (player2) -> teleport player1 to player2
/back (back) -> teleport the player to their last death location
/feed (player) -> feed the player
/heal (heal) -> heal the player
/kill (player) kill the player
/getlogs (player) -> get the logs of a player
/maintenance on/off -> toggle the maintenance
/maintenance add/remove -> add/remove someone from/to the maintenance whitelist
/maintenance kickall -> Kick all online players that are not on the maintenance whitelist
/kick (player) (reason) -> Kick a player with a reason!
/msg (player) (message) -> send a private message
/pickup (player) (type) -> set a players pickup
/gamemode <type> (player) -> set your own gamemode or other players their gamemode
#===================================== # Easycommands! #===================================== #Easycommands is a replacement for Essentials/CMI/Sunlight. And it is free! #I am working very hard on special features we already have a warp feature with a gui and so many commands. #The config hasn't really a lot off stuff in it only spawn and the updatecheceker. I am working hard for more customization. #Soon there will be a big config update where a lot off things are editable in the config!
updatechecker: true
# or false to disable
#here is the spawn location when you have set a span with /setspawn. spawn:
==: org.bukkit.Location
world: world
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
pitch: 90.0
yaw: 90.0
#Settings for when a player joins #everything is when the player joins SpawnTP: true
#If the player should be teleported to spawn when they join Heal: true
# if the player gets healed when they join Title: true
# If the player sees a title when they join TitleText: "&c&lWelcome %player%!"# What the Title says when Title has been enabled.
#Maintenance Function #This is a sort of whitelist but better! #You can add/remove players, Kick all the players that are not added with /maintenance add, kick message, join message. And more! #You can edit it below. maintenance: false
#Enable/Disable the maintenance kick-message: "&cStaff members have enabled maintenance"#Message players get when they get kicked join-denied-message: # Message the player get when they try to join while maintenance is enabled -
"&cMaintenance Enabled" -
"&c" -
"&fStaff has enabled maintenance, you can't join." -
"&fGet more info about the server in our Discord!" whitelist: #Players that can join while maintenance is enabled - player1
- player2
broadcastprefix: "&f[&9Broadcast&f] &f"#Prefix for the broadcast messages!
#Log deletion function #Here you can delete logs after a certain amount of days! logdelete: "7 days"#Delete logs older than this number of days you can also use hours, minutes and seconds! reportcooldown: 5 minutes
# you can use: seconds, minutes, hours, and days reportreasons: # Report reasons here! - Spamming
- Advertising
- Cheating
- Discrimination
- Death-Wishes
- Dox-Threatening
- Harassment
- Impersonation
- Inappropriate-Content
- Insulting
- NSFW-Material
- Staff-disrespect
- inappropriate-behavior
- inappropriate-items/teamnames
- inappropriate-skin
command: - /staffchat
- /sc
prefix: "&f[&9StaffChat&f]:" permission:
command: - /adminchat
- /adc
prefix: "&f[&cAdminChat&f]:" permission:
Code (YAML):
# ======================================================= # ONLY EDIT THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! # ======================================================= # Here are all the messages off the plugin that you can edit. # If you want to edit a message but its not in the list then you can't edit it since you don't need to or the code will break. # Placeholders: # NOTE: m means maintenance # %target% A player target ex: /tp player (player is the target) # %online% Gets all the online players. Only works for tpall # %gamemode% THIS IS ONLY FOR THE GAMEMODE MESSAGES. If you use this in a different messages it wil just return %gamemode% # %playertosend% this is only for the /tp and ONLY if you use 2 arguments. Ex: /tp player1 player2. You want to send player1 so that is %playertosend% and then %target% for player 2 # %nickname% This is ONLY used for the nickname message. It is a placeholder for what nickname the player has chosen # %warpname% This is the warpname a player has set/warped to # Good luck editing the messages. Prefix: '&f
StaffJoin: '&9
] &f
%player% &9 has joined the server' StaffLeave: '&9
] &f
%player% &9 has left the server' Freeze: '
%prefix% &9You have freezed &f%target%' FrozenNotify: '
%prefix% &cYou have been frozen. Do not log out or you will be cleared!' FrozencmdBlock: '
%prefix% &cYou can''t send commands while being frozen!' UnFreeze: '
%prefix% &9You have unfreezed &f%target%' Gamemode: '
%prefix% &9Gamemode changed to &f%gamemode%!' GamemodeOther: '
%prefix% &9You have changed &f%target%''s &9Gamemode to &f%gamemode%!' GamemodeTarget: '
%prefix% &9Your gamemode has been changed To &f%gamemode%!' SetSpawn: '
%prefix% &9You set the new spawn location!' Spawn: '
%prefix% &9You have been teleported to spawn!' SpawnOther: '
%prefix% &9You have teleported &f%target% to spawn!' Teleport: '
%prefix% &9Teleporting to &f%target%' TeleportOthers: '
%prefix% &9Teleporting &f%playertosend% &9to &f%target%' TeleportHere: '
%prefix% &9Teleporting &f%playertosend% &9to yourself' TeleportAll: '
%prefix% &9Teleporting &f%online% &9players(s) to you!' Back: '
%prefix% &9Teleporting back to your last death location!' BackTarget: '
%prefix% &9Teleporting back to your last death location!' BackOther: '
%prefix% &9Teleporting &f%target% &fto their last death location' ClearChat: '
%prefix% &9%player% has cleared the chat!' ClearInventory: '
%prefix% &9You have cleared your inventory!' ClearInventoryOther: '
%prefix% &9You have cleared &f%target%''s &9Inventory!' EnderChestOther: '
%prefix% &9Opening &f%target%''s &9Enderchest!' Feed: '
%prefix% &9Your saturation has been set to the max!' FeedOther: '
%prefix% &9you have set &f%target%''s &9Saturation to the max!' GodEnable: '
%prefix% &aGodMode enabled' GodDisable: '
%prefix% &cGodMode disabled' Heal: '
%prefix% &9You have been healed!' HealOther: '
%prefix% &9You have healed &f%target%' Invsee: '
%prefix% &9Opening &f%target%''s &fInventory!' Nick: '
%prefix% &9You have nicked yourself as &f%nickname%&9!' UnNick: '
%prefix% &9You have Unicked yourself!' Reload: '
%prefix% &9Reloading all files!' Repair: '
%prefix% &9You have repaired the item in your hand!' RepairAll: '
%prefix% &9You have repaired your inventory!' KillOther: '
%prefix% &9You have killed &f%target%&9!' CopyInv: '
%prefix% &9You have copied &f%target%''s &9Inventory' setwarp: '
%prefix% &9You have created the %warpname% warp' warp: '
%prefix% &9You have been teleported to %warpname%' mon: '
%prefix% &9Maintenance has been turned on' moff: '
%prefix% &9Maintenance has been turned off' madd: '
%prefix% &9%target% has been added to the maintenance whitelist' mremove: '
%prefix% &9%target% has been removed from the maintenance whitelist' mkickall: '
%prefix% &9All online players have been kicked!' flightenabled: '
%prefix% &9Flight enabled' flightdisabled: '
%prefix% &9Flight disabled' staffhelp: '
%prefix% &9You have requested help from staff. They will reply/fix your problem soon!'