TelekineticTraders (ClickVillagers Alternative) icon

TelekineticTraders (ClickVillagers Alternative) -----

Move villagers around with telepathy!

An simple and lightweight alternative to ClickVillagers, instead of right-clicking the villagers to put an item to place the villager into your inventory, you will actually be able to move them around with telepathy!

(they basically float in front of you until you are ready to place it down...)

Shift + Right click to pick up a villager and carry it in front of you, and Shift + Right click to drop it wherever you want!

Why This Plugin Exists:
I made this plugin as ClickVillagers handles saving the villagers by teleporting them into a loaded chunk that can over time stack up and cause lag or people can intentionally use it to cause lag on the server. They get teleported into the void with said plugin and there is no way to kill them unless the plugin is removed entirely (from my understanding and attempts to do so). This is meant to be a very simple and stripped down version of what’s out I know feature wise it’s nowhere near the competition and that’s what I was going for making this, very simple.

I own my own free hosting platform and that issue seemed to be pretty consistent amongst the plugins users, so I made my own that handles villagers a little differently. This is in no way to downplay ClickVillagers it is a great plugin, but the way it handles the villagers by putting them into one chunk in the void it can lead not-so-nice players to cause lag to the server.


  • You can teleport around with these villagers to places such as warps, spawn, or your home base.

  • Villagers are invincible when being carried by a player to prevent accidental damage from obstructing blocks.

  • They have a three second invulnerability after being dropped so they don't take any accidental damage

  • If another player attempts to attack the villager you are holding it is dropped and given that same three second invulnerability (during testing people noticed they could use the villager as a human shield that is why I added this feature)

  • Other players can not grab your villager while you are in control of it.

  • All messages are customizable including the prefix!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 60
First Release: Dec 5, 2024
Last Update: Dec 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings