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BetterComposter -----

Fully Configurable | Control Harvestables | Control Compostables | Towny Support / Factions Support

Proof Ownership

BetterComposter was designed to make the composter more useful. Each composter can drop different items determined by the items you compost.

- Customize what items should drop for what composted items. (Read the concept under How-To)
- Use the composter as a kind of auto-crafter
- Customize nearly all messages sent to a player.
- Hopper Support.
- Mess-Up protection for all configurations.
- Precise console messages.
- Per world files for composters for easy data management.
- Configure nearly everything with inGame commands.
- Reload commands.

Important Information:
- If you add a category old composters have to be updated at least once to recognize them (by replacing or harvesting).
- Please have a look at the presets in How-To to prevent any unwanted surprises. All presets can be disabled of course.

Just put the jar file into your server's plugins folder and start your server. The configuration files will be created shortly after.

All commands support tab-completion and also will tell you exactly what did go wrong, so you might as well just try it out a little bit.

- Aliases: /bc [subcommand]
- /bettercomposter: credits
- /bettercomposter help: Shows all for that player available commands.

- /bettercomposter category list: Shows a list of all categories.
- /bettercomposter category info : Shows some info about a specific category.
- /bettercomposter category add [] []: Adds a new category. If no priority is specified, 1 is used instead. All added materials/harvestables will have chance 1.
- /bettercomposter category remove : Removes an existing category.
- /bettercomposter category modify : Modifies an existing category. Available options: set (to set the priority), add, remove (to add/remove harvestables).
- /bettercomposter category reload []: Reloads all categories. If save is not specified, true is used instead. If save is set to false it will only load the files again and will NOT save made changes.

- /bettercomposter compostable list: Shows a list of all compostables.
- /bettercomposter compostable info: Shows some info about a specific compostable.
- /bettercomposter compostable add [] []: Adds a new compostable. If no chance is specified, 1 is used instead.
- /bettercomposter compostable remove : Removes an existing compostable.
- /bettercomposter compostable modify : Modifies an existing compostable. Available options: set (to set the chance), add, remove (to add/remove categories)
- /bettercomposter compostable reload []: Reloads all compostables. If save is not specified, true is used instead. If save is set to false it will only load the files again and will NOT save made changes.

- /bettercomposter composter info [ ]: Shows some info about a composter. Coordinates must be formatted like "X,Y,Z". If no world & coordinates are specified, the target you are looking at is used instead.
- /bettercomposter composter removeInvalid []: Removes all invalid composters from a specific world. If no world is specified, it will do it for all loaded worlds. This command should be used if you regenerate (parts of) a world.
- /bettercomposter composter reload []: Reloads all composters. If save is not specified, true is used instead. If save is set to false it will only load the files again and will NOT save made changes.

All orange permissions are not granted by op. This is mainly for the unsave reloading.

- bettercomposter.*: Gives access to all commands.

- bettercomposter.cmd.category.*: Gives access to all category commands.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable: Gives access to the category command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.category.list: Gives access to the category list command.
- Gives access to the category info command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.category.add: Gives access to the category add command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.category.remove: Gives access to the category remove command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.category.modify.*: Gives access to all category modify commands.
- bettercomposter.cmd.category.modify.add: Gives access to the category modify add command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.category.modify.remove: Gives access to the category modify remove command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.category.modify.set: Gives access to the category modify set command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.category.reload: Gives access to the category reload command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.category.reload.unsave: Gives access to the category reload command for not saving.

- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.*: Gives access to all compostable commands.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable: Gives access to the compostable command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.list: Gives access to the compostable list command.
- Gives access to the compostable info command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.add: Gives access to the compostable add command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.remove: Gives access to the compostable remove command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.modify.*: Gives access to all compostable modify commands.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.modify.add: Gives access to the compostable modify add command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.modify.remove: Gives access to the compostable modify remove command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.modify.set: Gives access to the compostable modify set command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.reload: Gives access to the compostable reload command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.compostable.reload.unsave: Gives access to the compostable reload command for not saving.

- bettercomposter.cmd.composter.*: Gives access to all composter commands.
- bettercomposter.cmd.composter: Gives access to the composter command.
- Gives access to the composter info command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.composter.removeInvalid: Gives access to the composter removeInvalid command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.composter.reload: Gives access to the composter reload command.
- bettercomposter.cmd.composter.reload.unsave: Gives access to the composter reload command for not saving.

For support, please use only resource discussion

Terms of Service
By using this plugin, you agree to the following terms, which may be updated by the author at any time.
  • All payments are final and non-refundable.
  • Redistribution or resale of this plugin is prohibited.
  • You are not permitted to modify, decompile, or extract any part of the plugin's source code.
  • Support is provided exclusively to legitimate customers. We cannot offer support for plugins obtained through unauthorized or illegal means.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2
First Release: Dec 13, 2024
Last Update: Jan 27, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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