Rescue The Presents Fun Minigame For Christmas icon

Rescue The Presents Fun Minigame For Christmas -----

Grinch vs Santa War

RescueThePresents is a fun, engaging, and competitive team-based mini-game plugin for Minecraft, designed for large servers and holiday-themed events. Players join one of two teams, Santa or Grinch , and work to either protect or steal presents. It’s a fast-paced game that blends teamwork, strategy, and PvP combat, perfect for bringing excitement to your Minecraft server during festive seasons.

Key Features:
1. Team-Based Gameplay :
  • Santa Team : Protects the presents, stopping the Grinch from stealing them.
  • Grinch Team : Tries to steal presents from the Santa team.
2. Customizable Messages & Emojis :
  • All messages, including join notifications, game start/end messages, and in-game events, can be customized.
  • Players will see fun and interactive emojis like , , , in the messages, making the game more festive and lively.
3. Hex Color Support :
  • Full support for custom team names and tab list prefixes in Hex colors to allow customization of team colors (e.g., Santa’s team can have a red color, while Grinch’s team can have green).
  • You can configure the scoreboard colors and team labels to make your game stand out.
4. Team Limits ⚖️:
  • Set a maximum number of players per team, helping balance gameplay and make sure the game remains competitive and fair.
  • Prevents one team from being overpowered and keeps the game fun for everyone. ⚔️
5. Present Placement System :
  • Admins or players with permission can place "presents" in the game by targeting a block.
  • Presents appear as custom skull items with special names and lore.
  • Players can interact with presents, and the Grinch’s goal is to steal them!
6. Spawn Locations ⛅:
  • You can set custom spawn points for both Santa and Grinch teams using commands.
  • /setspawn command allows admins to configure the spawn for both teams, making sure players spawn in the right places each time.
7. Game Time Limit ⏱️:
  • Set a custom game duration (default is 5 minutes) to make the game more competitive.
  • If the timer expires, the game ends, and the team with the most presents stolen or protected wins.
  • Supports custom messages when the time is up.
8. PvP Combat ⚔️:
  • Players engage in PvP combat as they try to protect or steal presents.
  • Teams must work together, but players are free to fight against the opposing team to steal or defend presents.
9. Scoreboard Integration :
  • Scoreboard shows live updates such as:
    • Time remaining in the game. ⏳
    • The number of presents stolen by each team.
    • Player deaths and respawn times.
  • Customizable format for the scoreboard with team colors and other relevant information.
10. Respawn and Death Mechanics :
  • If a player dies, they respawn after a set amount of time. ⏰
  • Max Deaths: Players who die too many times (set by admins) can be eliminated from the game. ⚠️
  • The plugin supports respawn messages, including a countdown, to keep players informed of when they will respawn. ⏳
11. Permissions System :
  • Uses permissions to manage who can access specific commands such as:
    • /join: Join a team. ⚔️
    • /leave: Leave a team. ✋
    • /start: Start the game.
    • /stop: Stop the game.
    • /setspawn: Set spawn points for teams.
    • /placepresent: Place presents (admins and players with permission).
    • /reload: Reload the plugin’s configuration.
12. Customizable Admin Tools ️:
  • Admins can set spawn points, control game flow, and place presents manually with special tools (e.g., Golden Present item). ✨
  • Fully configurable in the config.yml file, where you can adjust settings like spawn locations, message texts, team limits, and more.
13. Event-driven Gameplay :
  • Custom messages are triggered on specific in-game events, like joining a team, stealing a present, game start/end, or time expiration.
  • You can fully customize these messages and make them unique to your server’s theme or holiday event.
Why is this Plugin Great for Large Servers?
  • Highly Customizable : You can tweak everything, from game settings to message text, making it perfect for a wide range of server themes.
  • Fast and Fun ⏩: The game is quick-paced, and the PvP element keeps players engaged. Plus, it’s perfect for large events with many players! ‍♂️
  • Team Dynamics : Encourages coordination between players, making teamwork essential to success.
  • Great for Holiday Events : While designed for the holiday season, the plugin’s flexibility makes it perfect for any themed server or event.
Upcoming Fixes and Features :
  • Bug Fixes : Fixing issues related to commands and gameplay balance.
  • Performance Improvements ⚡: Optimizing for large player counts and server environments.
New Features : We’re considering adding more exciting game modes and enhancing the admin controls for better server management.


Permissions for the Plugin
  1. rescuethepresents.jointeam
    • Description: Allows the player to join a team (Santa or Grinch).
    • Default: true (any player can join a team without needing operator permissions)
    • Usage: /join <team>
  2. rescuethepresents.startgame
    • Description: Allows the player to start the game.
    • Default: op (only operators can start the game)
    • Usage: /start
  3. rescuethepresents.stopgame
    • Description: Allows the player to stop the game.
    • Default: op (only operators can stop the game)
    • Usage: /stop
  4. rescuethepresents.setspawn
    • Description: Allows the player to set spawn locations for the Santa and Grinch teams.
    • Default: op (only operators can set spawn points)
    • Usage: /setspawn <santa|grinch>
  5. rescuethepresents.placepresent
    • Description: Allows the player to place a present in the game (for players with the proper permissions).
    • Default: op (only operators can place presents)
    • Usage: /placepresent
  6. rescuethepresents.admin
    • Description: Grants full admin rights, enabling use of all admin commands like /RescueTeamKick and /sendteam.
    • Default: op (only operators can execute these commands)
    • Usage: /RescueTeamKick, /sendteam
  7. rescuethepresents.reload
    • Description: Allows the player to reload the plugin’s configuration.
    • Default: op (only operators can reload the plugin)
    • Usage: /reload
  8. rescuethepresents.kick
    • Description: Allows admins to kick players from their teams using the /RescueTeamKick command.
    • Default: op (only operators can kick players from teams)
    • Usage: /RescueTeamKick <player>
  9. rescuethepresents.sendteam
    • Description: Allows admins to teleport players to a specific team’s spawn using the /sendteam command.
    • Default: op (only operators can use this command)
    • Usage: /sendteam <player> <team>
  10. rescuethepresents.setpresent
    • Description: Allows admins to set a present at their location using the /setpresent command.
    • Default: op (only operators can set presents)
    • Usage: /setpresent
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 52
First Release: Dec 3, 2024
Last Update: Dec 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings