MineProbability icon

MineProbability -----

Enhance your mining experience with explosive probabilities and custom mechanics.

Introduces an emotional and customizable mining mechanic to your Minecraft server. When players mine specific ore blocks (such as gold or diamond), there is a chance they will trigger a dynamic explosion, adding a layer of challenge and unpredictability to resource gathering.

Warning: This plugin is not complete. As new features are added, updates will be released.

Please: Do not report errors or bugs through the comments. This section is only for feedback and suggestions. If you find a bug, error, or crash, please report it on GitHub Issues at GitHub Issues.

⚙️ Features:
  • Customizable Explosion Probability: Set fixed or random chances for explosions.
  • Configurable Explosion Effects: Control explosion power, block destruction, and player damage.
  • Permission System: Manage access to plugin commands and features with permissions.
Commands and Permissions:
  • /mine enable | /mine disable
    Toggle the mining explosion system.
    Permission: mineprobability.use

  • /probability
    Check the current explosion probability settings.
    Permission: mineprobability.use
Code (YAML):

# =======================================================================
#                   MineProbability - Configuration
# =======================================================================
# This configuration file controls all parameters for the block explosion
# system when breaking "ORE" blocks (such as gold, diamond, etc.).
# You can customize the probability, damage, explosion power, and more.
# GitHub: https://github.com/LuxIlith
# =======================================================================

# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================
# Enable or disable the mining system.
# If disabled, blocks will not explode.
: false   # Change to true to activate the system, false to deactivate it

# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================
# The type of probability used to determine whether a block will explode.
# It can be "Fixed" or "Random". Use "Fixed" for a constant percentage or
# "Random" for a range between a minimum and maximum value.
: "Fixed"   # Can be "Fixed" or "Random"

# If the probability type is "Fixed", set the fixed probability percentage.
# It should be a value between 1 and 100 (e.g., 50 means 50% chance).
: 50   # Must be between 1 and 100

# If the probability type is "Random", set the minimum and maximum probability values.
# Make sure the maximum value is greater than the minimum value.
: 20   # Must be between 1 and 100
: 80   # Must be between 1 and 100, and Max > Min

# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================
# The damage caused by the explosion. Damage is measured in hearts (1 heart = 2 health points).
# You can configure the damage between 1 and 10 hearts.
: 5.0   # Activated if enabled, value between 1 and 10

# Enable or disable damage to players. If enabled, players will take damage
# when a block breaks and explodes.
: true   # Change to false to disable damage

# Explosion power. The value ranges from 1 to 5, with 5 being equivalent to 20 TNT explosions combined.
# Higher values cause more damage and a larger explosion radius.
: 5   # Must be between 1 and 5

# Whether blocks around the explosion should be destroyed.
# If disabled, blocks will not be destroyed, only the damage will apply.
: true   # Change to false if you don't want blocks to break

# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================
# Do not touch these settings unless you know what you're doing.
# Incorrect configuration may cause unexpected behavior.

  # Minimum allowed value for any probability. It should never be lower than 1.
: 1   # Minimum value for any probability (1-100)

  # Maximum allowed value for any probability. It should never exceed 100.
: 100   # Maximum value for any probability (1-100)

  # WARNING: Do not set percentages higher than 100 or lower than 1.
  # Values outside this range can cause system failures.
  # Example valid configurations:
  # - FixedProbability: 50 -> 50% explosion chance.
  # - RandomProbability: Min: 30, Max: 70 -> Random probability between 30% and 70%.

# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================
# If you have issues or questions on how to configure this plugin, you can
# Visit my GitHub at https://github.com/LuxIlith.
# Thank you for using MineProbability!

# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 26
First Release: Dec 2, 2024
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings