GrisesiaRpg_Combat icon

GrisesiaRpg_Combat -----

Combat Cooldown


GrisesiaRpg_Combat is a plugin that prevents the player from doing certain things during a combat.

In the Worldguard region, if the PVP flag is set to Allow, the PvP/Pve will activated the cooldown. If the region's PVP flag is DENY, only PVE will activate the cooldown.

in Combat Cooldown, the player will not be allowed to change regions, make certain commands or even enter in the portal​

*PvP = player vs player
*PvE = player vs mobs

I'm new to coding, please don't be too demanding.

=-=-=- Dependency -=-=-=
Work on Spigot-1.17.1
*use the right version of plugin to work proprely

WorldEdit 7.2.20*
WorldGuard 7.0.7*
WolrdGuardEvent 1.18.1*

=-=-=- Config.yml -=-=-=
Combat Cooldown in seconds.
cooldown-time: 10​

Combat Cooldown Bossbar Message.
BossBarMsg: "&c&lCombat Cooldown:"​

Message if you dont have perm to change/enter in WorldGuard PVP:ALLOW region.
WgRegion: "&c&lYou can't go that way!"​

Message if you dont have perm to execute command.
Anti-Cmd-home: "&c&lYou can't do /home during a comabt!"
Anti-Cmd-spawn: "&c&lYou can't do /spawn during a comabt!"
Anti-Cmd-tp: "&c&lYou can't do /tp during a combat!"
Anti-Cmd-warp: "&c&lYou can't do /warp during a combat!"​

Message if you dont have perm to execute. (Multivers Core / Portal)
Anti-MvP: "&c&lYou can't go in Portal during a combat!"
Anti-MvTp: "&c&lYou can't do this during a combat!"​

=-=-=- Permissions -=-=-=
  • grisesiarpg.combat.* - acces to all perms
  • grisesiarpg.combat.home - acces to the /home command
  • grisesiarpg.combat.spawn: - acces to the /spawn command
  • - acces to the /tp command
  • grisesiarpg.combat.warp: - acces to the /warp command
  • grisesiarpg.combat.region: - allow entry to a region during a fight ( WorldGuard )
  • grisesiarpg.combat.mvp: - acces to Portal ( Multiverse-Portal )
  • grisesiarpg.combat.mvtp: - acces to mv commands ( Multiverse-Core )

=-=-=- Translation -=-=-=
Just copy and paste into config.yml
(replace the entire file)

French :
English :


Resource Information
Total Downloads: 32
First Release: Nov 28, 2024
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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