OneWayElytra Do you wanna fly into the air? Even without ever entering the end? This plugin adds a one-way-elytra for your spawn. Players are able to fly into the air and boost once they are in the air. Features
fly into the air without an elytra
boost once while flying
configurable settings and messages
Commands /onewayelytra | /owe Shows you all the commands.
/onewayelytra set <location/radius/boost> [radius/boost] Sets the center for the startarea. Set the radius for this area.
Code (YAML):
## ## OneWayElytra | config.yml ##
## radius in blocks radius: 16
boostMultiplier: 5
## location location:
world: world
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
Code (YAML):
## ## OneWayElytra | language.yml ## prefix: '&5OWE &f» '
commandDenied: '&cYou are not allowed to execute this command!'
locationSet: '&7You set the location &asuccessfully&7.'
radiusSet: '&7You set the radius to &a
%radius%&7.' boostMultiplierSet: '&7You set the boostmultiplier to &a
%multiplier%&7.' wrongArgs: '&cYou tried to use wrong arguments. Please check &4/onewayelytra&c.'
boostMessage: '&7Click into the air to get a boost!'
Code (YAML):
## ## OneWayElytra | language.yml ## prefix: '&5OWE &f» '
commandDenied: '&cDu darfst diesen Befehl nicht benutzen.'
locationSet: '&7Du hast die Position&a erfolgreich &7gesetzt.'
radiusSet: '&7Du hast den Radius auf &a
%radius% Blöcke &7eingestellt.' boostMultiplierSet: '&7Du hast den Boostmultiplikator auf &a
%multiplier% &7gesetzt.' wrongArgs: '&cDu hast einen Fehler bei der Eingabe gemacht. Benutze &4/onewayelytra&c.'
boostMessage: '&7Schlag in die Luft, um einen Schub zu erhalten.'