CSEC ( CSecurity ), version 1.0
Protect your minecraft server with blocking any security commands and custom commands with simple config.
Block commands for operator's and default user's.
Disable Unsafe settings on your server.
This plugin ensures the security of your Minecraft server by offering several crucial features:
- Ability to Block Security and Custom Commands:
- With this plugin, you can easily block any commands that may pose a security risk or any custom commands that you want to restrict.
- Ability to Block Security Sections of the Server:
- The plugin allows you to block access to critical security sections of your server, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive areas.
- Ability to Restrict Operator Commands:
- This feature allows you to limit the commands that server operators can use, preventing them from executing potentially harmful or unauthorized actions.
In plugin amniyate server Minecraft ba eraye chand vizhegiyate mohem, amniyate server shoma ra tamin mikonad:
- Ghabilyate bastan command-haye amniyati va delkhah:
- Ba in plugin, mitavanid be asani command-haye ke momken ast khatari baraye amniyat dashte bashand ya command-haye delkhahi ra bebandid.
- Ghabilyate bastan bakhsh-haye amniyati server:
- In plugin be shoma ejaze midahad ta be bakhsh-haye amniyati server dastresi ra bebandid va tanha afrad mojaz be bakhsh-haye hassas dastresi dashte bashand.
- Ghabilyate mahdood sazi dastoorat operator-ha:
- In vizhegiy be shoma ejaze midahad ta dastoorat operator-haye server ra mahdood konid va az ejraye amal-kard-haye mokhreb ya gheir mojaz jologiri konid.
csec.staff.notify |- Notify to staff tps lower or failed tryed commands
csec.staff.tps |- Use /tps command for staff's
csec.use |- Access to staffs.
csec.staff.reload |- Reload plugin with /csec reload
csec.staff.about |- See Developer's information with /csec about
Default Config file :
Code (YAML):
Messages Config file :
Code (YAML):
# Message's
"&4[&cCSec&4] &fYou don't have access to see or use this command. &3%error-code%"
"&4[&cCSec&4] &fUser &4%username% &ffailed to use &4%cmd-name% &fwith error code: &3%error-code%"
"&4[&cCSec&4] &fConfiguration and messages reloaded successfully!"
"§4[§cCSec&4] §fServer TPS has dropped below 15. Please report to the management team: %tps-1min%, %tps-5min%, %tps-20min%"
"§4[§cCSec§4] §fServer current TPS: %tps-1min%, %tps-5min%, %tps-20min%"
# Error Code's !
Send your review's on Comment's !
Good luck !