ItemBlocker - Block those unwanted items on your server!
Tired of players having access to unwanted items on your server? Do you want to have control over what items your players can and cannot use?
With simple commands you can add, remove and see which items are blocked on your server. Also, even players will not be able to have/craft those items, the AntiCraft system will always return items with more than 20 dupes fixed in the middle of the plugin creation.
/itemblock add - Lock an item, you need to have the item in the inventory or type the item name.
/itemblock remove - Unlock a locked item, you can unlock it with the item name or with the item in your hand.
/itemblock list - Displays all locked items.
/itemblock help - Displays all available commands.
Ease of use: There are only four commands, who sees a plugin with only four commands as difficult?
Total control: Locks items both in the inventory and in the item's collection.
Custom messages: All messages sent by the plugin are fully configurable.
Why ItemBlocker? This plugin is perfect for keeping your server clean of unnecessary items or simply those that don't fit your server.
Install it now and keep your server under control with ItemBlocker!
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment or ask me directly. I'm always willing to improve the plugin and add new features.
Code (YAML):
#config.yml blocked-items: - DIAMOND_SWORD
Code (YAML):
#messages.yml messages: item_blocked_on_pickup: '&cYou cannot pick up this item!'
item_added: '&aThe item &e
%item%''&a has been added to the block list.' blocked_items_list_header: '&7Blocked items:'
no_permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to use this command.'
item_removed: '&aThe item &e
%item%''&a has been removed from the block list.' item_blocked_on_craft: '&cYou are not allowed to craft this item!'
no_blocked_items: '&eNo items are currently blocked.'
help_menu: |-
&6ItemBlocker Commands Help: &7/item add <item> - Adds an item to the block list.
&7/itemblock remove <item> - Removes an item from the block list.
&7/itemblock list - Displays the list of blocked items.
item_blocked_in_inventory: '&cThis item is not allowed and has been removed!'