- Velocity & Bungeecord proxy support
- MySQL Compatibility
- 1.8-1.20.4 Support
- Exchange Items for Tokens
- Token Rewards for Killing Entities
- PlaceholderAPI Placeholders
- Skript Compatibility
- Spam Reducing Features
- Offline Player Support
- Customizable Messages
- Transaction logs
- Migrate Tokens from Another Plugin
- /token - View your current token balance.
- /token transfer (player) (amount) - Transfer your tokens to another player.
- /token deposit (amount/all) - Deposit the item exchange object into your account for the exchange value of tokens.
- /token withdraw (amount/all) - Withdraw the item exchange object from your account for its exchange value of tokens.
- /token top - View the players with the most tokens.
- /token (player) - View a player's current token balance.
- /token give (player) (amount) - Give a player tokens.
- /token remove (player) (amount) - Remove a player's tokens.
- /token set (player) (amount) - Set a player's tokens.
- /token giveall (amount) <online/offline>- Give tokens to all offline or online players.
- /token removeall (amount) <online/offline>- Remove tokens from all offline or online players.
- /token migrate (plugin name) (SWAP/ADD/TRANSFER/COPY/REPLACE/NONE) - Migrates another plugin's tokens into NotTokens.
- /token reload - Reloads this plugin.
Code (Text):
nottokens.admin - Reload the plugin or migrate another plugin’s tokens
↳ nottokens.edit - Edit players’ tokens
↳ nottokens.viewother - View other players’ tokens
↳ nottokens.player - Player commands
↳ nottokens.top - View the top tokens leaderboard
↳ nottokens.transfer - Transfer your tokens to another player
↳ nottokens.balance - Check your token balance
↳ nottokens.exchange - Exchange items for tokens and vice versa
All dependencies here are
optional addons.
For the use in item exchange and NotTokens's placeholders shown below.
- %nottokens_amount% - Token amount.
- %nottokens_amount_formatted% - Formatted token amount.
- %nottokens_prefix% - Currency prefix.
- %nottokens_suffix% - Currency suffix.
- %nottokens_top_<x>% - Leaderboard text for the player at rank <x>.
For using Skripts that modify or read token values.
Example Script:
Code (Text):
command /skripttokens:
send the tokens of player
command /settokens <player> <number>:
set tokens of arg-1 to arg-2
command /removetokens <player> <number>:
remove arg-2 from tokens of arg-1
Migratable Plugins
The tokens from these plugins can be migrated using the in-game-command: /nottokens migrate (plugin name) (SWAP/ADD/TRANSFER/COPY/NONE)