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LirCrashFix -----

A plugin that can slightly protect/optimize against server crashes

LirCrashFix - A plugin that allows you to fix server crashes by type:

- Check Updates

- Need Java 16!

- Limiting mobs in one chunk
- Ability to automatically delete mobs
- Removing redstone when a player spams it
- Kicking a player when he spams a command
- Ability to change the reason for kicking a player
- And all this can be configured in the config

Messages (old):

Code (Text):

#                  LirCrashFix Configuration File                    #
#                       All plugin commands:                         #
#                                                                    #
# /LirCrashFix reload: Reloads the main plugin config                #
#                                                                    #
# /killmobs: Removes all mobs in the world, removes only those mobs  #
# or entities that are listed in "entities"                          #
#                      All Plugin Permission:                        #
#                                                                    #
# lircrashfix.reload: If a player has this permission, then the      #
# player who has this permission can reload the plugin configuration #
#                                                                    #
# lircrashfix.killmobs If the player has this permission, the player #
# will be able to kill mobs using the command: /killmobs             #
# When the plugin starts, it will check for updates.
enable-update-checker: true
# You can change any message if you don't like what is there now.
  reload-success: "&aThe plugin configuration has been successfully reloaded."
  no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to execute this command."
  mob-limit-message: "&6You can't spawn more mobs in &cthis place!"
  kick-reason: "&6You have been kicked for &ccommand spamming!"
  kill-success: "&6You have killed &c%count% mobs!"
# Specify here the mobs or entities that will be deleted after using the command /killmobs
  - BOAT
# Max count of mobs in a chunk
max-mobs-per-chunk: 50
# Enables the limit of mobs in chunks
enable-mob-limit: true
# Enables disabling mob intelligence when the maximum number of mobs in a chunk is reached
enable-mob-ai: true
# A timer that will remove mobs when they spawn.
removing-mobs-per-secound: 60.0 # Recommended 180.0
# Enables the removal of mobs taking into account the timer
enable-removing-mobs: true
# Timer for using a command, if a player has entered a command and the timer has not yet passed, the player will be kicked from the server
spam-threshold-seconds: 1.0 # Recommended 0.2
# Redstone timer, if the player activates the redstone and the timer does not pass then the redstone will be destroyed
redstone-cooldown: 0.1

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 87
First Release: Nov 23, 2024
Last Update: Dec 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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