This plugin is designed to be a simple and efficient way to set custom Server Icons + MOTD's based on what IP/Domain you use to connect!
1. Set different MOTD's based on what IP you use to connect.
2. Set different Server Icons based on what IP you use to connect
3. All colour codes work, including hex colours (e.g. �)
How to use :
Install DomainUtils on your BUNGEECORD server. This plugin is NOT installed on Spigot (May add support in the future)
Set a default MOTD and Icon
Specify the IP/Domains(s) you want in the config
Set custom MOTD's and server icons for them
Assuming you did this correctly, DomainUtils will detect what address you are joining from and show you the Icon and MOTD specified.
Commands :
/domainutils reload - Reloads the config.
Permission node :
domainutils.reload - Access /domainutils command
Version compability :
DomainUtils 1.0 BETA : 1.8-1.20+
Future Updates:
Working on adding SPIGOT/VELOCITY compatability to allow more servers to run this plugin.
1. Feedback is appreciated
2. Feel free to help improve the plugin!