BlockContainer icon

BlockContainer -----

Make your ItemsAdder custom blocks capable of storing items.


✚ By using the configuration file, specified ItemsAdder (IA) blocks can be set to store items, enhancing the realism of the game.
✚ This is suitable for furniture, custom chests, and other models.
✚ Compatible with all versions 1.20 and above.

Please note
✚ Only blocks with the block property (such as Noteblocks, Chorus, etc.) are supported. Armor stands and barrier models are not supported.
✚ Players need to hold an item when opening the container; empty-handed players cannot open it.
✚ The ItemsAdder plugin must be installed as a prerequisite dependency.

✚ Simple Structure: Items are stored in the chunk file using the PersistentDataContainer, with no need for additional configurations like databases. No data will be left behind when blocks or chunks are removed.
✚ Safe Usage: Only one player is allowed to open the interface at a time, preventing issues such as item duplication and other security concerns.

✚ /blockcontainer - blockcontainer.reload - Reloads the configuration file.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 28
First Release: Nov 20, 2024
Last Update: Nov 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings