WorldManager icon

WorldManager -----

Allows worlds to be automatically reset on demand.

WorldManager is a simple plugin allowing worlds to be automatically reset on demand.

NOTE: The plugin is currently in beta, so please check out to suggest features you'd like!

This is the main command of the plugin, allows to have a list of the commands.

This command allows you to load a world handled by WorldManager.


This command allows you to unload a world handled by WorldManager.

This command allows you to create a world reset option for the specified world.

Permissions and Messages
WorldManager allows its users to modify the required permissions and messages to whatever they'd like. In order to do so, please head to the config

WorldManager comes with an API allows you to use its features without the plugin.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 23
First Release: Nov 16, 2024
Last Update: Nov 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings