✅ Simple PVP - timer + gamemode restrictions icon

✅ Simple PVP - timer + gamemode restrictions -----

A plugin that allows configuring PVP logic on the server

Simple PVP
A plugin that allows configuring PVP logic on the server.

  • PVP Timer: Sets a timer for PVP mode during which players cannot exit the game or use certain commands.
  • PVP by gamemodes: Configure permissions to disable PVP in specific gamemodes.
  • Easy to configure: The configuration does not contain excessive information and is easy to set up.
  • Allows PVP in a specific game mode: simplepvp.gamemode.<gamemode>
  • Disables the PVP timer, along with death upon exiting and blocking commands: simplepvp.timer.bypass
Code (YAML):
# PVP is regulated by the permission `simplepvp.gamemode.<gamemode>`
# For example, players with the permission `simplepvp.gamemode.creative` can hit players while in creative mode.

# Start the PVP timer when attacking another player (not enabled for players with the permission `simplepvp.timer.bypass`).
: true

# Duration of the PVP mode
: 10

# Kill the player when exiting the game during PVP mode
: true

# These commands cannot be used during PVP mode
- '/spawn'
- '/tp'
- '/tpo'

# -=-=-=-=-=- MESSAGES -=-=-=-=-=-
# For color, use the symbol '§'
# If you want to disable any message, make it empty.

# Displayed in ActionBar during PVP mode
: '§cYou are in §lPVP§r§c. §e {time }§c seconds remaining until exit from §lPVP'

# Displayed when entering a blocked command during PVP mode
: '§f [§4§lPVP§r§f ] §cYou cannot execute this command during PVP'

# Broadcast to all players on the server if a player exits during PVP
: '§f [§4§lPVP§r§f ] §e {player } exited during §cPVP§e and was punished!'

# Displayed in ActionBar when the PVP mode ends
: '§aYou exited from §lPVP§r§a mode'

# Displayed when a player does not have permission for PVP in their current gamemode
: '§cYou do not have permission for PVP in this gamemode.'
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 129
First Release: Nov 15, 2024
Last Update: Nov 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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