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RottenFlesh2Leather -----

Provides a way to craft, smelt, cook, or blast your unwanted rotten flesh into leather

A simple plugin that allows you to turn your unwanted Rotten Flesh into something more useful like Leather!

With added config allowing you to set the recipe for the leather in the crafting table, or even disable the crafting table recipe entirely!

I felt that cooking Rotten Flesh to Leather made more sense so the furnace and the blasting furnace recipes are enabled by default.

However you can easily enable the other two in the config.yml file if you so desire.

# RottenFlesh2Leather Config
# by Tyrannys

#Adds a furnace recipe to convert Rotten Flesh to Leather, This is default: true
furnace-recipe: true

#Adds a blasting furnace recipe to convert Rotten Flesh to Leather, this is default: true
blasting-recipe: true

#Adds a smoker recipe to convert Rotten Flesh to Leather, this is default: false
smoker-recipe: false

#Sets the cooking time required by the furnace, please remember that whatever time you put in will be divided by 2 (effectively halving the time)
#for the smoker/blast furnace if they're enabled
cooking-time: 200

#Sets the experience gained by cooking rotten flesh into leather Default is 0
experience-gain: 0

#Adds a crafting recipe to convert Rotten Flesh to Leather, this is default: false,
#I added this for those that like the original RottenFleshToLeather Plugin who I thought would prefer to have this
crafting-recipe: false

#Lets you change the current crafting recipe that is set, if you change it after logging in please set crafting-recipe to false,
#Restart, set it to true, then restart again, I'm still new to plugins, so I haven't found a way to reset it upon logging into the server if it has changed
#Think about it like this
# "XXX" ;
# "XXX" ;
# "XXX" ;A standard Crafting Table recipe
# X being the Rotten Flesh that you want to convert into the leather, if you would prefer an easier crafting method such as
# Only one Rotten Flesh to Leather you can do this, which should allow you to set it wherever you want into the crafting table
# Please remember to keep a space in the top and bottom rows or else it will error out the crafting recipe and you won't be able to make it
# " "
# "X"
# " "

crafting-recipe-top: "XXX"
crafting-recipe-mid: "XXX"
crafting-recipe-bot: "XXX"

The default crafting recipe when enabled!

A crafting recipe that you can easily change it to! feel free to choose your own based on balance!

By default the furnace recipe is enabled!

By default the blast furnace recipe is enabled!

An added smoker recipe when enabled!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 185
First Release: Nov 15, 2024
Last Update: Nov 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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