Charged_world icon

Charged_world -----

Simple and practical positioning coordinates

Charged_world Usage Documentation
Charged_world is a plugin designed for Minecraft servers, aimed at providing server owners with a simple yet powerful coordinate management system. Through this plugin, server administrators can set up paid coordinates, allowing players to teleport to these coordinates by spending money. (Supports vanilla and modded servers, tested on Mohist, test version: 1.20.1)

This is the first version of the plugin, and if you encounter any bugs, please contact me. Known issues:
1. Coordinate names cannot be set in Chinese.

- Coordinate Management: Easily create, update, and delete coordinates.
- Paid Teleportation: Set the amount of money required for each coordinate.
- Multilingual Support: Supports multiple languages for message prompts, facilitating internationalization.
- Economy Integration: Integrates with the Vault plugin, supporting economic systems.
- Command Completion: Provides command completion functionality to enhance user experience.

Use Cases:
- Adventure Maps: Set up teleport points at key locations, which players can unlock by completing tasks or paying fees.
- Community Servers: Encourage players to explore and use the server's teleportation services.

Installation and Configuration:
1. Place the Charged_world.jar file in the server's plugins folder.
2. Ensure that the Vault plugin is installed on the server.
3. Start or restart the server, and the plugin will load automatically.

Main Commands:
- /cw: Manage coordinates.
- /cw tp <name>:Teleport to the specified coordinate. (Player permission)
- /cw create <name>:Create a new coordinate. (Admin permission)
- /cw set <name>:Set the location of an existing coordinate. (Admin permission)
- /cw delete <name>:Delete the specified coordinate. (Admin permission)
- /cw setitem <name>:Set the consumption item for the coordinate. (Admin permission)
- /cw setmoney <name> <amount>:Set the amount of money required for the coordinate. (Admin permission)
- /cw reload:Reload the plugin configuration. (Admin permission)

Usage Tutorial:

1.Create a Coordinate

2.Set the Consumption Amount

3.Deduct Money, Teleport Successfully
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18
First Release: Nov 12, 2024
Last Update: Nov 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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