EnchantShop is a fully configurable Minecraft plugin that allows players to buy enchanted items through a GUI It supports features like Money Enchants, where players can spend in-game currency to apply enchantments, and Level Enchants, which let players select specific enchantment levels for their gear. The plugin enhances the gameplay experience by adding an easy-to-use shop for enchanted items, giving players more control over their enchantments and customizations.
With this plugin your players are able to choose enchant in gui and buy it for level or money, depending on your configuration.
If they click on the enchant - old enchants gui will not open - instead of it - new enchant gui will open to the player and he will can choose enchant.
The basic moneymanager is based on vault, so if you are using "money" in enchants you need to install Vault plugin.
Whole plugin is configurable! You can add a lot of enchants, change the gui and even add your own "money manager" if you are developer, the code is clean and easy to read.
/enchantshop open
/enchantshop list
/enchantshop reload
enchantshop.command.help - Allows use of the /enchantshop command
enchantshop.command.open - Allows use of the /enchantshop open command
enchantshop.command.list - Allows use of the /enchantshop list command
enchantshop.command.reload - Allows use of the /enchantshop reload command
Developer API
Code (YAML):
Code (YAML):
title: "&8List of enchants" messages:
purchase-successfully: "&aYou purchase &6{ENCHANT} &aenchant!" purchase-error: "&cYou cannot buy this enchant! Check your level or money!" must-hold-something: "&cYou have to hold something in your main hand!" yes-message: "&eClick to purchase!" no-message: "&cYou dont have enough money!" cannot-enchant-this-item: "&cYou cannot enchants this item!" no-bookshelves: "&cToo few books around enchant!" no-permission: '&cYou dont have permission!'
no-console: '&cThis command cannot be used as a console!'
open: '&f&oOpen the enchantment inventory!'
list: '&f&oLists currently available enchants!'
reload: '&f&oReloads the plugin'
reload-success: '&aSuccessfully reloaded!'
reload-fail: '&cA serious error occurred during reloading'