Description: Lockers is a flexible plugin designed to manage backup armor in Minecraft. It provides a simple way to store, access, and swap armor sets in a configurable GUI, making it ideal for both players and server admins. With easy-to-use commands, permission handling, and the ability to instantly swap armor rows, Lockers keeps your server running smoothly and your players' gear safe.
Backup Armor Storage: Securely store backup armor sets in a customizable interface.
Row Swapping: Swap the first armor row using Shift + Right-Click in the towards a block.
Fully Customizable GUI: Tailor the plugin to fit your server with easily configurable settings.
Easy Setup: Get started quickly with plug-and-play functionality.
Open-Source & Paid: Access the plugin’s source code, modify it, and enjoy premium support for paying users.
Shift Swap Armor
lockers.row.x: Permission to access specific armor rows (with x being any number above 0). This permission is not configurable, and players need the appropriate permissions to interact with each row.
lockers.use: Permission to use the /locker command to interact with the locker.
lockers.admin: Admin-level permission for managing and opening other players' lockers.
Additional permissions, such as command permissions, can be configured in the config.yml file.
Aliases: /loc, /wardrobe, /wr
Usage: /locker <sub command | optional>
Permission: lockers.use
/locker open <player>
Permission: lockers.admin
Usage: /locker open <player>
/locker reload
Permission: lockers.admin
Usage: /locker reload
Code (Text):
# Supported database types: 'MySQL' and 'SQLite'.
# Use 'MySQL' or 'SQLite' for server-based databases, or 'SQLite' for a lightweight file-based database.
type: SQLite
# The address of the database server.
address: localhost
# The name of the database to connect to or create.
database: test
# The username for the database connection.
username: root
# The password for the database connection.
password: ''
# SSL options (turned off by default)
properties: '?useSSL=false&requireSSL=false&verifyServerCertificate=false'
# Connection pool settings (for MySQL only).
maximum-pool-size: 10
maximum-idle: 10
maximum-lifetime: 1800000
keeplive-time: 0
connection-timeout: 5000
# Statement cache properties (optional)
# These settings are used to optimize statement preparation and caching.
# These should be specified for MySQL to improve performance.
cachePrepStmts: true
prepStmtCacheSize: 250
prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: 2048
# A prefix used for table names in the database.
prefix: 'lr_'
#Allow shift right-click block or air to switch (page 1 row 1 slot) armor slot with the current.
enabled: true
#The lowest possible is 1. any lower is by default set to 1.
cooldown: 10
# Configuration for the Locker command functionality in-game.
# The primary name for the locker command used in-game.
# Example: Setting this to 'locker' means players will use /locker in-game.
name: 'lockers' # This defines the command players will type.
# A brief description of the /locker command for help menus or command listings.
description: 'Explore the server in style!' # Describe the command's purpose.
# Instructions on how to properly use the command.
# Provides users with an example usage format.
usage: '/locker <sub command | optional>' # Shows how to execute the command.
#Permission to use the '/locker' command to open.
permission: "lockers.use"
# A list of aliases for the /locker command.
# Players can use these shortcuts to invoke the command.
# To disable aliases, simply set this to 'aliases: []'.
- 'loc'
- 'wardrobe' # Allow players to use /wardrobe as a shortcut for /locker.
- 'wr' # Allow players to use /wr as a shortcut for /locker.
#Aliases is not available in sub commands.
#Open another player's locker. (This should be limited to staff)
#This will look like '/locker open <player>'
#If you change label it will be '/locker <change> <player>'
label: "open"
permission: "lockers.admin"
usage: "&cUsage: &e/locker open <player>"
max_pages: 5
# Basic filler for empty slots in the GUI.
# This is purely decorative to fill unused spaces.
display: " "
lore: []
# Main button players click to equip armor in a slot.
# Shows when a slot is usable and provides access to armor management.
display: "&aEquip Armor"
- "&7Equip the armor placed in the slots above."
- "&7If a slot is empty, it will remove"
- "&7your currently equipped armor for that slot."
# Slot shown when player lacks permission to unequip armor.
# Gives visual feedback that removal isn’t allowed.
display: "&cNo Permission"
- "&7You don't have permission to use this row."
# Slot shown when armor is available to be equipped.
# Provides visual indication that armor can be equipped in the slot.
display: "&7Slot Unavailable"
- "&7This slot is currently unused or unavailable."
# Button to move to the next page in the GUI for more armor slots.
material: PLAYER_HEAD
display: "&aNext Page"
- "&7View additional armor slots on the next page."
base64: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvN2M2MDJkYmE5Zjk3MDFhZTAwMzllNzQ4MWNlYmY2MWM1OGZlOGQzOWQyOWM5MjdiNDg4YmVlNDIyZDlhNjJkNCJ9fX0="
# Button to go back to the previous page.
material: PLAYER_HEAD
display: "&aPrevious Page"
- "&7Go back to the previous page for other armor slots."
base64: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjEzNGJhMjQxZjg3M2Q1ZWY0YzUyNmViMjkxYjVjMTZkNTA3ZDVhMGM2ZjFhMmU2NTAzZWM1OWIzNjNhMzY3NSJ9fX0="
# Button to close the locker menu.
# Lets players close the GUI with a single click.
material: OAK_DOOR
display: "&cClose Menu"
- "&7Click to close the locker menu."
error_command_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command."
error_player_exists: "&cNo record found for player &e%player%."
error_row_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to access this row."
gui_back_error: "&cYou're already on the first page."
gui_last_error: "&cYou're on the last page."
success_command_reload: "&aReloaded configurations."
Important Notes:
Once downloaded, you are responsible for the use of the plugin. If the plugin is leaked or redistributed under your name, you may be removed from the buyers list without notice, and the action may be reported to SpigotMC.
Redistribution, modification, or misuse of the plugin code outside the terms of the open-source license is prohibited.
No refunds will be provided, as access to the plugin is granted immediately upon purchase.
License: Lockers is a paid resource with open-source access. You may modify and use the code under the terms of the open-source license, but redistribution must comply with the provided license.
If you enjoy using Lockers, consider leaving a donation or rating or a star on the repository. Your support is always appreciated!