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ShameSkin -----

Discipline rule-breakers by changing skins temporarily for better moderation.

ShameSkin Plugin

ShameSkin is a Minecraft plugin designed to discipline players by temporarily changing their skin to one from a configurable list. It’s an ideal tool for server moderation and encourages rule-following behavior, as players will automatically have their original skin restored after the punishment expires.

  • []Custom Punishment Skins: Changes the skin of players who break server rules to a random skin from a configured list.
  • []Automatic Restoration: Restores the player's original skin once the punishment expires.
  • []Integration with SkinsRestorer and LuckPerms: Seamlessly works with SkinsRestorer for skin management and LuckPerms for permission management.
  • []Command Restrictions: Option to block skin-changing commands for punished players.
  • []Kick if using proxy: Configurable option to kick player if server using proxy (like Velocity).


1. Download and install LuckPerms and SkinsRestorer.
2. Download the ShameSkin plugin and place it in your server’s plugins folder.
3. Start the server to generate the configuration files.
4. Customize the config.yml file to fit your server's requirements.

/shameskin reload — Reloads the plugin configuration.
/shameskin remove [player] — Removes punishment from a specified player and restores their original skin.
/shameskin [player] [time] [reason] — Applies punishment to a player for a specified time with an optional reason.

/shameskin Steve 1d Unsportsmanlike behavior
This command punishes the player Steve for 1 day with the reason "Unsportsmanlike behavior."


shameskin.mod — Allows the use of /shameskin commands.
shameskin.reload — Allows reloading of the plugin configuration.
shameskin.remove — Allows removal of player punishments.

Example Permissions (using LuckPerms):
/lp user [Player] permission set shameskin.mod true
/lp user [Player] permission set shameskin.reload true
/lp user [Player] permission set shameskin.remove true

Configuration (config.yml)
In config.yml, you can set up the list of punishment skins, message formats, time formats, and additional parameters.

Key Parameters:

skins — List of URLs for the skins applied as punishment.
messages — Customizable messages for players and admins.
useLegacySkinChange — Enables a fallback skin change method if the API is unavailable.

If the SkinsRestorer API is unavailable, the plugin will switch to an alternative method to ensure punishment enforcement.

Support and Contact
If you'd like to support the development of ShameSkin, consider donating:


For questions or suggestions, contact the author:
Discord: tokishu
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 30
First Release: Nov 11, 2024
Last Update: Nov 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings