AdvancedTeams • Claims • PlaceholderAPI Support [1.16.x - 1.21.x] icon

AdvancedTeams • Claims • PlaceholderAPI Support [1.16.x - 1.21.x] -----

Manage teams with roles, permissions, invites, and settings!


AdvancedTeams is a powerful team management plugin for Minecraft that allows players to create, manage, and join teams with flexible permissions, custom settings, and now Team Territory Claims! Featuring a hierarchical role system (Leader, Manager, Member), a user-friendly GUI, and an immersive claim feature, this plugin is perfect for any server looking to encourage collaboration, organization, and territory protection! ✨

Key Features:
  • Team Creation: Players can create teams with unique names and set them to Public or Private.
  • Invitation System: Invite players to your team with ease! ✉️
  • Hierarchical Roles: Assign roles like Leader, Manager, and Member with different permissions.
  • GUI for Team Settings: A convenient GUI to manage team settings, including privacy and permissions ⚙️.
  • Team Territory Claims: With the new claim system, teams can secure chunks to protect their land. Team Leaders and Managers can claim chunks on behalf of their team to prevent others from breaking blocks, interacting with mobs, or accessing doors.
  • Claim Particles: Show claim borders with /teams claim particles – activating flame particles to outline claimed chunks for 15 seconds!
  • Admin Controls: Admins can force-delete teams, kick players, rename teams, or manage claims as needed. ️
  • PlaceholderAPI Support: Fully compatible with PlaceholderAPI, allowing dynamic placeholders in chat, the tab list, or elsewhere!
Available Placeholders:
  • %advteams_team% - Displays the team name, formatted as defined in the config (e.g., “[TeamName]”).
  • %advteams_role% - Displays the player’s role within the team (Leader/Manager/Member).
  • %advteams_members% - Shows the number of members in the team.
  • %advteams_leader% - Displays the name of the team leader.
Player Commands
  • /teams create <name> - Create a new team with a unique name.
  • /teams delete - Delete your current team.
  • /teams invite <player> - Send an invitation to a player to join your team.
  • /teams kick <player> - Kick a player from your team.
  • /teams join <team> - Join an existing team.
  • /teams leave - Leave your current team.
  • /teams settings - Open the team settings GUI.
  • /teams giveperms <player> - Give Manager permissions to a player.
  • /teams removeperms <player> - Remove Manager permissions from a player.
Claim Commands
  • /teams claim claim - Claim the chunk you are currently in for your team.
  • /teams claim unclaim - Unclaim the chunk you are currently in for your team.
  • /teams claim settings - Open a GUI to adjust claim settings, including block breaking, mob interaction, and door access within claimed areas.
  • /teams claim particles - Toggle the claim particles on/off to display borders with flame particles.
Admin Commands
  • /teams-admin forcedelete <team> - Forcefully delete a team.
  • /teams-admin forcekick <team> <player> - Force kick a player from a team.
  • /teams-admin changename <team> <newname> - Change a team’s name.
  • teams.use - Access to basic player commands.
  • teams.admin - Access to all admin commands.
Team Roles:
  • Leader: Full control over all aspects of the team, including permissions and team deletion.
  • Manager: Can invite members, kick players, adjust settings, and claim/unclaim chunks, but cannot delete the team.
  • Member: Basic member with no management permissions.
AdvancedTeams makes managing teams easy, fun, and efficient. Now, with Team Claims, your team can secure its territory and build with confidence. Perfect for organized play, team-driven adventures, and strategic territory control!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 136
First Release: Nov 10, 2024
Last Update: Nov 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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