AFK Room Plugin icon

AFK Room Plugin -----

AFK Room Plugin that helps you with making a Special room for AFK players.

AFK Room Plugin

WARNING: This Plugin Requires Vault Plugin To Work.

This plugin is currently in BETA. So if you encounter any problems let us know!**

The main job of this plugin is helping you with making AFK Room for players!

**---------- Commands ----------**

- /afkroom help - Shows a help message about commands.
- > permission:
- > default: all players

- /afkroom afk - Teleports YOU to AFK Room and makes you AFK player.
- > permission: afkroom.afk
- > default: all players

- /afkroom reload - Reloads the config.yml for AFKroom plugin.
- > permission: afkroom.reload
- > default: op's only

- /afkroom setlocation - Sets the location for AFKRoom. (including axis for dynamic axis feature)
- > permission: afkroom.setlocation
- > default: op's only

- /afkroom settimeout <number> - Sets the cooldown for teleport. (minutes) (also editable in config.yml)
- > permission: afkroom.settimeout
- > default: op's only

- /afkroom credits - Shows our plugin developers.
- > permission: afkroom.credits
- > default: all players

- /afkroom setafk <player> - Sets the chosen player AFK.
- > permission: afkroom.setafk
- > default: op's only

- /afkroom info - Shows AFK room's location. (world, x, y, z)
- > permission:
- > default: op's only

**---------- Special Features ----------**

- Editable timeout cooldown: You have access to change AFK timeout for teleport in config.yml! (also /afkroom settimeout command.)

- Setting AFK players spectator: When a player gets AFK, it will be teleported to AFKroom. But, if you enable this feature in config.yml, teleported players will be changed to spectator mode. (when they leave AFKroom, their gamemode changes old one.)

- Teleporting last location: When leaving AFK room, players can teleport to location that they're staying at. (enable/disable in config.yml)

- Special Sounds: When player goes AFK/unAFK special sound will play. and also %100 configurable in config.yml! (volume, sound, pitch etc.)

- Dynamic Axis: When a player teleports the AFKroom you can make player to look special direction. you can edit enable/disable this feature in config.yml. (default is disabled) (you can set axis with /afkroom setlocation)

- Replaceable Messages: in config.yml, you can change messages. (command messages, title, subtitle etc.)

- Title's Occur When AFK: İf you're AFK, a title will be in your screen. you can edit it with config.yml.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 136
First Release: Nov 10, 2024
Last Update: Nov 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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