Amethyst Vanish An awesome way to combine efficiency with magic effects. The first vanish plugin, born for be also used by the players.
vanish (v): for becoming invisible.
vanisheffect (ve): select your favorite vanish effect.
vanish.use: /vanish command
vanish.use.other /vanish <player> command
vanish.use.staff: players with vanish.see will not be able to see you.
vanish.see: see other vanished players.
vanish.see.staff: see other vanished staffs.
Vanish Effects
Static Vanished Effect A visual effect that besides being beautiful, shows to those who have permission, the people currently in vanish.
Code (YAML):
hide: "&aYou are now INVISIBLE!" show: "&cYou are now VISIBLE again!" action-bar: "&7You are currently &f&nVANISHED&7." admin:
hide: "&aPlayer has been made INVISIBLE!" show: "&cPlayer has been made VISIBLE!" error:
invalid-player: "&cThe player you entered is not valid!" permission:
use: "&cYou must be &e&lVIP &cto use this feature!" general: "&cYou cannot use this feature!" vanish-particles-effect: true
title: "Select an effect..." size: 27
selected: "&a&lSelected!" locked: "&c&lLocked!" unlocked: "&eClick to select" none:
material: BARRIER
name: "&c&lDisable" lore: [] slot: 24
material: REDSTONE
name: "&8&lVampire" lore: -
"&7Summon bats when" -
"&7you appear or disappear." -
"" -
"{state}" Enderman:
material: MONSTER_EGG
data: 58
name: "&5&lEnderman" lore: -
"&7Disappear as if you were an enderman" -
"&7when you appear and disappear." -
"" -
"{state}" Spiral:
material: ANVIL
name: "&e&lSpiral" lore: -
"&7Create a spiral around you" -
"&7when you appear and disappear." -
"" -
"{state}" Strike:
name: "&b&lLightning" lore: -
"&7Release a burst of lightning" -
"&7when you appear or disappear." -
"" -