TurulPowerX icon

TurulPowerX -----

TurulPlugin is helping for admins to have fun, and keep the server clean

TurulPowerX is a Minecraft Spigot plugin that allows players to use various commands, such as striking other players with lightning or even killing a player with a simple command. The plugin aims to provide an engaging and interactive experience for servers, especially for players who want to customize events and commands.

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TurulPowerX gui-players 1.2.png TurulPowerX gui-commands 1.2.png
  • Lightning Strike Command (/tpx strike): Players can strike another player with lightning by using the command /tpx strike <player>.
  • Kill Player Command (/tpx kill): Players can kill another player using the command /tpx kill <player>. This is a quick and simple way to influence the game.
  • Multilingual Support: The plugin allows the use of different languages, so players can enjoy the commands in their preferred language.
  • Command Permissions: The plugin assigns permissions to each command, ensuring that only authorized users can execute them.
  • Custom gui: The plugin has a custom gui and erasy to use.
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  • /tpx strike: Strikes the specified player with lightning.
  • /tpx kill: Kills the specified player.
  • /tpx help: Provides information about the plugin's commands.
  • /tpx up: The player will suddenly look up.
  • /tpx reload: Reloads the config.yml changes.
  • /tpx boom: Explodes the specified player.
  • /tpx hunger: Starves the specified player.
  • /tpx chili: The player receives the Nausea effect for 20 seconds.
  • /tpx fall: The player will be teleported 50 blocks higher into the air.
  • /tpx warden: Spawns a warden at the specified player's location.
  • /tpx lagg: Teleports the specified player to their position from 5 seconds ago.
  • /tpx sparta: A shower of arrows will fall on the specified player.
  • /tpx anvil: An anvil will fall on the specified player.
  • /tpx fakecrash: The specified player will be kicked with the reason 'Server crashed'.
  • /tpx creeper: Summons a specified number of creepers on the given player.
  • /tpx zombie: Summons a specified number of zombies on the given player.
  • /tpx invisible: Toggles the visibility of the given player.
  • /tpx drop: The item held by the given player will be dropped.
  • /tpx down: The given player will be teleported 3 blocks down.
  • /tpx down: The given player will be teleported 3 blocks down.
  • /tpx cobweb: The specified player will be surrounded by cobwebs for 10 seconds.
  • /tpx box: The specified player will be trapped in a box for 10 seconds.
  • /tpx justrun: The specified player must run for 1 minute, or they will die if they stop.
  • /tpx spin: The specified player will spin for 10 seconds.
  • /tpx headswap: Two specified players will swap heads for 10 seconds.
  • /tpx fakeop: The specified player will receive a fake message: 'You are now an Operator.'
  • /tpx confused: The specified player will have reversed movement controls for 10 seconds.
  • /tpx gui: The TurulPowerX menu is open
  • Languages:
    • English (en)
    • Hungarian (hu)
    • German (de)
    • French (fr)
    • Spanish (es)
    • Italian (it)
  • Permissions: turulpowerx all permission v1.2.png
TurulPowerX is an easy-to-use and customizable plugin that enhances the gaming experience and allows servers to offer fun commands and events to players.

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 102
First Release: Nov 7, 2024
Last Update: Dec 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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