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SkWasp -----

SkWasp is a Skript Addon which is a continued fork of SkBee and SKbee-Continued that aims to add mor

SkBee-Continued Fork
SkWasp is a Skript Addon which is a continued fork of SkBee and SKbee-Continued that aims to add more useful elements to Skript.

This is only a small list of the many things included
  • NBT Elements: Effortlessly get or set NBT data on items, blocks (including tile entities), and entities. (Supported on versions 1.8.8+)

  • ScoreBoards: Super-smooth, anti-flicker scoreboards to enhance gameplay display. (Supported on versions 1.13+)

  • Recipes: Add custom recipes or remove vanilla recipes with ease. (Supported on versions 1.13+)

  • BlockData: Simple access to get/set block data. (Supported on versions 1.13+)

  • Structures: Utilize Minecraft’s native structure system to save and paste structures seamlessly into your world.

  • Particles: Advanced particle system that aligns more closely with Bukkit's, allowing for more flexibility than Skript’s default.

  • TextComponents: Craft complex text components, with options like hover and click events. Show items, trigger actions, and more for immersive experiences.

  • WorldCreator: Generate custom worlds with helpful configuration options for unique worlds.

  • Bounds: Define custom boundaries, similar to WorldGuard regions, for tailored gameplay zones.

  • GameEvents: Leverage Minecraft’s GameEvent system for Skulk Sensors to add more unique events to your server than ever before.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 57
First Release: Nov 7, 2024
Last Update: Nov 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings