AStockMarketPlugin icon

AStockMarketPlugin -----

A very basic stock plugin that will be expanded with more features in the future!


A very basic stock plugin that will be expanded with more features in the future!

This plugin is more or less a fun project nothing more!



/createstock <name> <price> <volatility>** <minprice> <maxprice>

For volatility, a higher number indicates greater instability in the stock. It's recommended to use a value between 1 and 10.

/deletestock <name>

permission for admin commands:

/stockhelp (simple help command)
/buystock <name> <amount>
/sellstock <name> <amount>
/myholdings (shows your stocks)
/liststocks (shows the stocks available in the market)

In the plugin configuration, you can adjust the frequency at which stock prices are updated. Both the stocks and player holdings are saved in YAML files. Currently, there is no support for databases.


Vault (Vault | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft)
An Curreny plugin that uses Vault
Only works with Java 21

Disclaimer: This plugin is a fun project for our private server and may contain bugs. It is not well-polished and should not be used on a public server without proper testing.

This plugin does not reflect the real stock market and does not use an advanced simulation for stock prices.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 85
First Release: Nov 6, 2024
Last Update: Nov 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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