MrBlockDecay Plugin 1.0.1
MrBlockDecay is a simple plugin designed to automatically make placed blocks disappear after a specified period of time. With flexible configuration options, this plugin allows you to:
Set a global decay time: Define how long it takes for all blocks to disappear after being placed.
Customize block decay: Set specific decay times for individual blocks (e.g., different times for Dirt, Stone, etc.).
Blacklist specific blocks: Prevent certain blocks from decaying at all.
Override decay for specific players: Players with the permission will not have blocks decay when they place them.
- Configurable decay times: You can set default decay times for all blocks and customize the decay time for individual blocks.
- Decay modes: Choose between different modes, such as normal decay or time-per-block settings.
- Block management: Add, remove, or edit blocks from the decay list through simple commands.
- Permission-based behavior: Use permissions to control who can reload configurations, modify block settings, or bypass decay.
Permissions & Commands
- (Blocks will not disappear)
- /mbd reload (mrblockdecay.command.reload) - Reload configuration.
- /mbd mode <mode> (mrblockdecay.command.mode) - Set the decay mode (Options: ALL, BLACKLIST, NORMAL, TIMEPERBLOCK).
- /mbd time <time> (mrblockdecay.command.time) - Set the default decay time for blocks.
- /mbd add <block> [time] (mrblockdecay.command.add) - Add a block to the decay list with an optional custom time.
- /mbd remove <block> (mrblockdecay.command.remove) - Remove a block from the decay list.
- /mbd edit <block> <new_time> (mrblockdecay.command.edit) - Edit the decay time for an existing block.
- /mbd list (mrblockdecay.command.list) - Display the list of blocks in the decay configuration.
Code (YAML):
: 5