One of the great features of this plugin is that it prohibits players from owning something, such as TNT
It is recommended that you read all the introductions of the plugin to help you get started faster! Config File ▼
Code (Text):
ProhibitedItems: - TNT[/SIZE][/COLOR][/LEFT]
[COLOR=rgb(64, 64, 64)][SIZE=6][LEFT]AddedItem: "&7Item: &b%item% &7has been &aadded &7in config."
ErrorMaterial: "&cError Item Name: &o%item%&7!"
AlreadyAdded: "&7Item: &b%item% &cis already in your config!"
ErrorItem: "Error Item: %item%. please check your config."
Warn-Message: "&7You have the &c%item% &o(BannedItem)&7, that this item will &cclear!"
NoPermission: "&7[&c!&7] &c&oYou don't have permission to do that!"
And Command
Code (Text):
Before you use /zpi add <item> you must know that you need to restart your server to be able to load after adding, and the ITEM must be capitalized to be the name of the item, otherwise it will not work! You can also enter the item's serial number (ID) !