"Show My Coordinates" is a lightweight Minecraft plugin designed to enhance your multiplayer experience by allowing players to easily share their current coordinates in the global chat. With simple command aliases like `/show`, `/sc`, `/s`, `/showc`, and `/showcoordinates`, this plugin makes it effortless for friends to find each other in your SMP (Survival Multiplayer) world.
### Key Features:
- **Global Coordinate Sharing:** Instantly share your coordinates with everyone in the server chat.
- **Multiple Command Aliases:** Use various commands to access the same functionality, making it flexible and user-friendly.
- **Universal Access:** All players have permission to execute this command, fostering collaboration and communication.
### Warnings:
- **No Confirmation:** This plugin does not require confirmation before sharing your coordinates, so be mindful of sharing your location.
- **Global Sending:** Coordinates are sent to all players on the server. Use this feature wisely, as it could reveal your position to others in the game.
### Developer Note:
This plugin was made by **me** for my personal SMP and was not originally intended for public release. However, I've decided to share it in case anyone else finds it useful for similar functionality.
For support or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: **rohan_ohio**.