Keep Players Coming Back – Reward Loyalty Daily! A simple to use plugin that rewards players for logging in everyday! Source Code | Wiki
Infinite Days You can limit your rewards to as many days are you want! 1 day? 30 days? 365 days? It's as simple as adding a number in rewards.yml. If a player goes beyond the limit, their current streak continues but their reward goes back from day 1.
Fully Customizable GUI From 9 slots to 54 slots. The GUI is fully customizable, allowing you to create a design you believe is up to your standards. Custom Model Data is also supported on items!
PlaceholderAPI Support Commands and items support placeholders using PlaceholderAPI (maybe). Some placeholders are added as well!
%dailyrewards_current_streak% - Returns the player's current streak
%dailyrewards_highest_streak% - Returns the player's highest streak
%dailyrewards_time_remaining% - Returns the player's time remaining (configurable in config.yml)