Captcha icon

Captcha -----

This plugin adds a captcha like system to your minecraft server, and automatically giving them out

This plugin adds a captcha like system to the game. These captchas can be given in a few ways, the first way is to manually give it with the command

sendcaptcha (player)

The second way is the automated captcha system, which you can read more about below.

Automatic Captchas
When the plugin detects certain charateristics that a bot would use, it automatically sends them a captcha for them to complete.

How it works
When a captcha is given, it opens up a players inventory, with 36 slots it fills each of them up with random stained glass panes, and it tells the user which pane color to click. If they try and close the menu, it'll kick them.

To prevent luck from happening if a bot clicks a random slot, there are three captchas they must complete. Users are allowed one misclick, if they get two or more wrong, they get kicked from the server, they're free to rejoin at any time.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 36
First Release: Oct 31, 2024
Last Update: Oct 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings