The Nametags plugin is a tool that allows you to fully manage the display of players' names and labels above their heads in the game. Thanks to this plugin, you can customize the appearance of nametags, their colors, fonts, additional information and other details that allow you to personalize the way players see each other.
Supported APIs:
EssentialsX, PlaceHolderAPI, Luckperms
Supported versions:
1.13.x - 1.21.x
Supported versions:
1.13.x - 1.21.x
(RGB nametags works only on versions 1.16+)
/tag <player> prefix <tag> - Changes your prefix above the head
/tag <player> suffix <tag> - Changes your suffix above the head
/tag <player> silentprefix <tag> - allows you to set a prefix without any information in the chat
/tag <player> silentsuffix <tag> - allows you to set a suffix without any information in the chat
/tag <player> rgbprefix <tag> - allows you to set a prefix with a gradient (e.g. &#HEXCOLOR...) [1.16+]
/tag <player> rgbsuffix <tag> - allows you to set a suffix with a gradient (e.g. &#HEXCOLOR...) [1.16+]
/tag <player> <prefix/suffix/silentprefix/silentsuffix/rgbprefix/rgbsuffix> reset - Reset your prefix/suffix above the head
/tags reload - Reload the plugin