GravesX Addon: Graveyards icon

GravesX Addon: Graveyards -----

Graveyards addon for the main plugin GravesX

The Graveyards addon is an integral extension of the GravesX plugin, enhancing its functionality by providing structured management of grave sites within the Minecraft server environment. This addon enriches the player experience by allowing for the retrieval of items left behind upon death, making the consequences of dying more manageable and engaging.

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  • GravesX or newer

Key Features of the Graveyards Addon

  1. Graveyard Creation and Configuration:
    • YAML Configuration: Graveyards are defined through YAML files located in the plugins/GravesXAddon-Graveyards/Graveyards/ directory. Each graveyard has a dedicated configuration file containing vital information, such as the graveyard's name, positions, and details of its gravesites.
    • Grave Site Definition: Each gravesite is represented with an "occupied" field, a boolean value indicating whether the grave site is currently in use. This field defaults to false when a new gravesite is created, enabling easy tracking of availability.
  2. Grave Site Management:
    • Occupancy Tracking: The addon manages the occupancy status of each gravesite effectively. When a player dies, the corresponding gravesite's occupancy status is set to true, preventing other players from accessing that site until it is cleared. This feature helps maintain order and enhances the gameplay experience.
    • Cache Management: Graves are cached upon creation to improve performance, reducing the need for frequent file reads. When a grave is looted, it is promptly removed from the cache, ensuring that occupancy status remains accurate and reflective of the current game state.
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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4
First Release: Nov 9, 2024
Last Update: Dec 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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