Wander the world Wandering around the world, the player can get a gift from Santa, but did the Grinch put his rags in it?
️ Supported: | Support HEX (1.16+) | Languages: - EN (English)
- RU (Russian)
- Others (Message mode 2, manually)
| Plugins: - WorldGuard, WorldEdit - Check where your gifts will spawn.
- PlaceholderAPI - Add the ability to interact with the plugin via placeholders, and also add placeholders to messages from the configuration.
- DecentHolograms/HolographicDisplays - Put a hologram over the gift.
Checks: - The plugin will automatically detect your server version so that it starts working correctly with your project.
- The plugin will check the working conditions and, if necessary, will warn about errors and turn off.
- Replacement of some parts of the configuration in case of their absence.
- The gift was protected from destruction attempts.
♾️ Functions: | ⌨️Command (/gifts): Get a list of commands using /gifts help
- /gifts reload - Reload the plugin
- /gifts add Player - Spawn a gift near the player
- /gifts put NamePlayer Amount - Set your gift limit for the player
- /gifts check NamePlayer - Check the gift limit for players
- /gifts loot - Get help about subcommand loot.
| Launch: - Functions for saving limits and gifts when crashing on your server.
- Auto-issue a gift to make the issue faster.
- Chance adjustment.
- The lock is spawned in the world, the biome.
- The lock is spawned with fly and shift.
- Select the operating mode.
This plugin can work in the following operating modes:
On command - 0
Chance when the player moves - 1
Every some time (minutes, hours) - 2
// Use mode 2 for a better experience with plug-in performance
|✨Particles: - Add particles to the gift at any interaction with it through the configuration (RGB and supported only from 1.9.1+)
| ⚙️Config: - Send actions to players using messages. (HEX support from 1.16+)
- Settings for gifts, loot, holograms
| Loot: - Loot checks and in case of errors, errors will be sent to the console.
- Add loot via the /gifts command
| Storage: - Storing limit data and gifts in case of crashes using a file.
| ConfigUpdate | Configurations: View the configurations by clicking on the
GitHub link or just scroll down below.
# The optimal settings have been set to optimize the plugin's experience with your project. BaseSettings: # Report errors in more detail debug: true
# Loot immediately drops out of the gift, so that in case of a crash, the player can pick up resources. autoGive: false
onCrashes: # If your server crashes frequently, then enable this feature enabled: false
supports: # Select the plugin used for the hologram above the gift. HologramType: "null" # Put "null" if you do not want to use holograms. # Put "HolographicDisplays" if you use this plugin on holograms # Put "DecentHolograms" if you use this plugin on holograms
# WorldGuard & WorldEdit support WorldGuard: true
# PlaceholderAPI support # The following placeholders are available: # %ChristmasGifts_active% - Check if the player has a gift now or not # %ChristmasGifts_active_Player% - Check if the player has a gift now or not # %ChristmasGifts_limit% - Check if the player has a limit on gifts # %ChristmasGifts_limit_Player% - Check if the player has a limit on gifts # Output: # true/yes - The player has reached the limit/The gift is active # false/no - The player has not reached the limit/The gift is not active PlaceholderAPI: true
spawn: # Mode mode: # Restart required enabled: 1
# Use mode 2 for a better experience with plug-in performance # On command - 0 # Chance when the player moves - 1 # Every some time (minutes, hours) - 2 1: # A full chance for a gift FullChance: 1000000
# A chance gift Chance: 10
# Checks the chances when the player moves every defined time. Every: 60
# Measured in ticks, 20 ticks is 1 second. # Set the ticks value higher if the plugin starts causing lags. 2: # How many people will try their luck for Mode 2 (null - disabled for 1 mode, -1 - all players) people: "null" # In seconds every: 3600
# WorldGuard support wg_support: 2
# Ignore the region - 0 # On command - 1 # Member/Owner region and __global__ - 2 # Only __global__ - 3
# allowed/blocked type-worlds: blocked
# List of worlds for the type worlds: -
# allowed/blocked type-biomes: blocked
# List of biomes for the type biomes: -
# Blocking the spawn of a gift for the player when: blocked: # When he flies fly: true
# When he's on the shift shift: true
# When updating the plugin, this setting can help to update the configuration for you. (Do not delete) version: 1.1.0
# Values: # true - Enable # false - Disable # null - Set this when you don't need this message in the chat
# Get information about the teams: # /gifts settings: # Gift Settings gift: # Base64 head texture for gift texture: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmNlZjlhYTE0ZTg4NDc3M2VhYzEzNGE0ZWU4OTcyMDYzZjQ2NmRlNjc4MzYzY2Y3YjFhMjFhODViNyJ9fX0=" # Restriction on gifts limit: true
# Maximum number of gifts max: 5
# In seconds. After how long the gift is deleted if it has not been used. remove: 30
spawn: # // Set null so that the plugin replaces these settings with its own # For 1.13+ (Setting the FallBlock view for the material) Example: "BARREL" type: "null" # For ...-1.12.2 (Setting up FallBlock material by id) Example: "5" id: "null" # Use of fireworks firework: true
# In seconds. How long will FallBlock's life last if it is not activated? timeLived: 10
# Grinch Settings grinch: # Enable? enabled: true
# A chance for a gift from the grinch chance: 20
# Resource Settings loot: # Enable? enabled: true
# If the gift was not received, the loot automatically drops out of it (When turned off too) taked: false
# Hologram Settings holograms: # // Enabling and disabling is in launch.yml # Height for a hologram height: 1.2
# Hologram Lines lines: -
"&cGift" -
"&fPress the RMB to open it!" actions: # Actions: # [message] message - Send a message to the player. # [broadcast] message - Send a message to all players # [player] command - Run the command on behalf of the player. # [console] command - Run the command on behalf of the console. # [sound] sound;volume;pitch - Perform a sound for the player # Search for sounds here: https://helpch.at/docs/$version$/org/bukkit/Sound.html # // Replace $version$ with the version of your server, for example: https://helpch.at/docs/1.8.8/org/bukkit/Sound.html # # Built-in functions: # %player% - Get the player's name # %rnd_player% - Get the name of a random player # [particle] type;amount;r.g.b;radius - Summon a particle near the gift # type: # one - One particle will appear in place of the gift. # circle - Particles will appear around the gift. # r.g.b (Substitute the RGB color without removing the dots) # amount - number # radius - You can set a decimal number (0.1...) gift: # When a gift appears spawn: -
"[message] &f" -
"[message] &f&l✽ &aSanta Claus&f has sent you &ca gift &f— &cHappy New year! &f&l✽" -
"[message] &f" # If you lose a gift loss: -
"[message] &f" -
"[message] &f&l✽ &aSanta Claus&f took &cthe gift &f— &cYou forgot to pick it up! &f&l✽" -
"[message] &f" # The player has successfully collected the gift success: -
"[message] &f&l✽ &r&fYou have successfully collected the gift" # The player has reached the gift limit limit: -
"[message] &f&l✽ &cYou have already collected a certain number of gifts! :(" # The player has no permission no_perm: -
"[message] &f&l✽ &cYou don't have permission"