XAuctions is an auction plugin with different categories where players can bid on auctions. The menu is very easy to use and you can view your own auctions and bids. All auctions will be saved during a server restart. If you have any problems or questions, please contact me on Discord: norius_tv
Auction: When creating an auction, you can set a starting bid and the duration of the auction. The auction is assigned to a category based on the item. Players with the “xauctions.remove” permission can delete other auctions by clicking on delete auction in the auction menu.
Bids: Players can place bids on the auctions and thus participate in an auction. If a player is outbid, their bid will be refunded. The player with the highest bid receives the item at the end of the auction.
Different categories: In the GUI menu, auctions are sorted according to the categories Armor, Tools, Blocks, Op-Items, Spawneggs and other items. The associated items for each category can be set in the categories.yml configuration file.
GUI: In the gui you have an overview of all auctions and can sort them by highest bid, lowest bid, most bids, and ending soon. You can also use the search item to search for auctions via an anvil inventory. In the overview menu you can choose between the menus my bids, my auctions, statistics and create auction.
Auction-Slots: There is a limited number of auction slots that can be set in the config. Players can buy additional auction slots for money.
Stats tracking: Statistics such as auctions created, highest bid or money spent are saved for each player.
MySQL, SQLite Support: If required, you can enter the data for a database connection in the config. Otherwise SQLite is used. All database queries while the server is online are asynchronous and are loaded from a connection pool (max connections and time out seconds can be set in the config).
/auctionhouse [/ah] <player> - Opens the auction house menu, if a player is specified, the menu with the player's auctions is opened. | xauctions.ah.other
/ahslots <player> <slots> - With this command you can set the auction slots of a player. | xauctions.slots
/ahopen <player> - With this command a player or the console can open an auction house menu for another player | xauctions.openah
compatible with Java 17 or higher
Vault is required for an economy system. If you don’t use Vault, the economy system from XAuctions is used. There is an api with which you can update and query account balance
// load Offline player OfflinePlayer player
= Bukkit.
// withdraw money eco.
// deposit money eco.
// get money double money
= eco.
// set money eco.
// check if player has amount of money boolean has
= eco.
All messages are 100% configureable. The languages English and German are already preconfigured. If a different language is required, a new file in this language can be created in the lang folder. The language can then be set in the Config. There is HEX color support for all messages!