PetControl allows server admins to view info on pets, change ownership, sit/stand pets, and force tame a pet. It also allows admins to heal pets.
Supports Minecraft 1.21+
- /petinfo: Shows information on the pet you are looking at
- /transferpetowner : Transfers ownership of a pet
- /tamepet: Tames a pet to yourself
- /togglesit: Tell any pet to sit/stand
- /healpet: Heals the pet you are facing
- petcontrol.petinfo: Allows access to /petinfo
- petcontrol.transferpetowner: Allows access to /transferpetowner
- petcontrol.tamepet.self: Allows you to /tamepet to only yourself
- petcontrol.tamepet.others: Allows you to /tamepet to others
- petcontrol.togglesit: Allows access to /togglesit
- petcontrol.heal: Allows access to /healpet