✦ Biqz-Menu ✦ Easy Customizable Menu icon

✦ Biqz-Menu ✦ Easy Customizable Menu -----

Easy Menu | YAML Config | Adventure API | PlaceHolders API


is a plugin that allows you to create menus in a super simple and fast way, using an easy-to-configure YAML file. The plugin is fully customizable thanks to the configuration file, which contains every type of message printed in chat.

Each menu has its own permission, so by using a permissions management plugin like LuckPerms, you can give specific players access to only certain menus.

Supports "MiniMessage" and "PlaceHolder"
➤ Automatic Inventory Fill
: Choose an item to automatically fill the empty spaces in the inventory, so you don't have to manually place each item.
Automatic Border Fill: Select an item to automatically fill the borders, compatible with all inventory sizes.
Custom Inventory Sizes: Want a 27-slot inventory? You can do that!
Custom Heads: Add as many custom player heads as you want!
Dynamic Player Head: Easily add the viewing player's head to the menu.
Custom Color Codes: Use highly personalized color codes thanks to MiniMessage compatibility.
Placeholders: Insert all the placeholders you want!

In-Game Actions
When clicking an item in the menu, you can trigger various actions:
`%menu% <menuName>`: Opens a specific menu for a player, even if they don't have permission for it.
`%chat% <command>`: Executes a command for the player who clicks the item.
`%write% <command> <name>`: Allows a player to write another player's name in chat when they click the item, and then execute the command with the player's name at the end.
`%say% <message>`: Prints a message in the chat for the player who clicks the item.

1. Download the ` .jar` file for Biqz-Menu.
2. Navigate to your Minecraft server's ` /plugins/` directory.
3. Place the ` .jar` file in the ` /plugins/` folder.
4. Restart or reload your server.

For more details, please search for tutorials on how to install Minecraft plugins.

️Updates and Purpose
was created purely for fun, with the goal of trying to build something complex and challenging. The plugin will receive updates from time to time, but there is no ongoing commitment to any regular maintenance or feature additions. It's simply a personal project designed for experimentation and enjoyment.

Future Updates
➤ Compatibility with HeadDatabase API
➤ Easy and fast online editor
➤ Custom enchants and potions
➤ Detailed wiki
➤ Add new libraries
➤ Create a core library to enhance the overall functionality of the plugin.

For any issues or bugs, please open a new issue here.

➤ Check my website!
➤ Join my discord!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 58
First Release: Oct 24, 2024
Last Update: Nov 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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