EndlessCommands is your go-to solution for creating and managing custom commands on your Minecraft server. With easy-to-use features like dynamic command creation, seamless deletion, and the ability to toggle commands on or off, you’re in control. Transform your server with EndlessCommands today!
Custom Command Creation
Command Deletion
Command Toggle
Configuration Reload
Feedback Messages
Permission Control
Dynamic Command Management
Download The Plugin
Get the latest version of the EndlessCommands.jar file from the Spigot plugin page.
Place the Plugin in the Plugins Folder
Move the downloaded EndlessCommands.jar file into your server’s plugins directory.
Restart Your Server
Restart your Minecraft server to load the new plugin.
Configure the Plugin
After the server restarts, navigate to the plugins/EndlessCommands directory.
Open and edit the config.yml and messages.yml files to customize your commands and messages.
Reload Configuration (Optional)
If you make changes to the configuration files, use the command /endlesscommands reload in-game to apply the changes without restarting the server