Prison System - 1.16.5 - 1.20 icon

Prison System - 1.16.5 - 1.20 -----

Better prison management by guards in Minecraft!


How its work:cool:

A few important points:
1- You have to specify who is a prisoner through config with the help of option
In the config.

2- You can execute 2 commands for each jail to jail the player. (from the server)

3- You have to write the command after the escape of the prisoners, you can remove the block they are there or whatever you want. The default is set in the config, but it definitely needs to be changed.

Best performance
This plugin works better for Paper and the Spigot version may have some problems.

Code (Text):
/Prisonjail (Prison name from Prison1, to Prison18)  (player)
Example: /Prisonjail Prison1 (player) - This command use form jail player in prison!


1- /Prisoner nakh - By looking at sea_pickle you can get items to escape from prison.

2- /Prisoner washwork - By having an iron shovel and looking at BLAST_FURNACE and hitting this command, you can get a spoon to escape from prison.

3- /Prisoner craftdrill - By typing this command, if you have the necessary items, it will give you a drill to escape.

4- /Prisoner escape - When you look at the iron block and type this command, the iron block will be removed and you can escape from the prison. You can only determine the iron block.

/suspect (Player Name) - Checking the player to give him Wanted if he has the jailbreak item.

/prisonsystem-reload - reload config.yml

PrisonSystem.guard - for prison guard

Communication with us and..

At the end of the conversation, pay attention to the following points.

- If you want, you can customize this plugin by paying a small fee. Contact us on Discord for this.

- This plugin is constantly updated with your requests, so if you have an idea, write it.

Discord server for support and make your plugin
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 25
First Release: Oct 22, 2024
Last Update: Oct 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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