With this plugin, you can create one-time rewards for players that can claim them by clicking on customisable player heads
Fully customisable plugin
Uses modern saving system
Endless possibilities
> Permissions
headhunt.command - Permission for the command /headhunt
headhunt.command.reload - Permission for the subcommand /headhunt reload
headhunt.command.give - Permission for the subcommand /headhunt give <key>
headhunt.interaction.addhead - Permission required to place HeadHunt head
headhunt.interaction.removehead - Permission required to remove HeadHunt head
> Commands
/headhunt - The base command to work with this plugin
/headhunt reload - Self explanatory (reloads the plugin)
/headhunt give <key> [player] - Gives the HeadHunt head to you (or the specified player)
/headhunt masterdelete <key> - Removes all physically placed heads by the defined key
/headhuntstats stats - Configurable command, shows statistics of collected rewards / max collectable
> Integrations
Plugin integrates with HeadDatabase plugin (if present) meaning that instead of defining the config value for the HeadValue by a skin value, you can use HDB:<id> which gets the skin values
Plugin integrates with PlaceholderAPI - allows parsing of placeholders in Messages and Commands that are sent/executed when player claims a reward, also adds new placeholders for server-owners to further implement this plugin
Placeholders (V1.1)
%headhunt_claimed_all% - Returns true/false whether player has collected all rewards
%headhunt_claimed_all_value% - Returns a number of all claimed rewards
%headhunt_claimed_<key>% - Returns a number of claimed rewards of a specific reward key
%headhunt_missing_all% - Returns true/false whether player hasn't collected any reward
%headhunt_missing_all_value% - Returns a number of all missing rewards for player
%headhunt_missing_<key>% - Returns a number of missing reward of a specific reward key
%headhunt_total_all% - Returns a number of all placed rewards
%headhunt_total_<key>% - Returns a number of all placed rewards for specific reward key